Chapter 1

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The turtle with the red bandana was chasing down his younger brother. He was soaking wet with cold water. He was getting tired of his brother's pranks.

"Good luck catching m- OW!!" The younger turtle was crushed by his older, and was pushed to the ground. He tried to call out to his other brothers but had trouble doing so with his face pressed against the floor. "OW OW OW! DONNIE!! GET HIM OFF ME! PLEASE!!" 

Raphael looked down at the younger turle and smirked. "He ain't gonna help ya this time Mike." Taking this advantage, Raph pressed his brother harder against the sewer floor, pressing his wet body aginst him. Michelangelo yelped in pain and tried to push off the body on him.

  On the other side of the sewer, Leonardo and Donatello tried to ignore the harsh fight between their brothers. Donatello tried to concentrate on his laptop screen. With all the noise, it was hard to focus on the code he needed for an experiment he was making. He honestly thought this project would amaze his brothers, but the only way to find out was to finish the code. His finger would type a couple words, then stop. Type again, then stop. This went on and on. Donatello was too distracted by the noise and decided to take his laptop back into his lab. He hoped if he closed the door it would be quieter. 

  Leonardo was simply reading a book on the coach. He seemed a bit agitated by the fight. Not because he couldn't focus on his book, but because he didn't want someone to actually get hurt. Finally he stood, and casually walked over to his brothers while holding the book in his hand. Leo watched his youngest brother try to wiggle out of Raphael's grip. "Alright Raph, that's enough," Leo said, alraming both his brothers. Raph growled but lifted himself off Michelangelo. Michelangelo stayed on the ground, trying to breath normally again considering his lungs were crushed. Leo came closer to Mikey and held out his hand. Michelangelo took it, and gradually stood. Raphael panted from the unpleasant fight, driping water from his body. Leo looked at both of them and frowned. He then fucused his attention to Mikey and gestured to him to explain. "Well, last night while we were looking around the sewers for the foot, I found a bunch of buckets FILLED to the top with sewer water. So, while you guys weren't looking, I took one and brought it back to the lair." Mikey said, then changed his expression when he turned to look at Raph. Mikey smiled. "During the night, I put the bucket up on Raph's door and slept outside his room so I could watch what he did in the morning," Mikey continued to explain even though Raph was glaring at him with rage in his eyes. 

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