Chapter 3

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"Michelangelo!! What do you think you are doing?!" Mikey turned to see his sensei and he instantly felt terrified. Beside his father was Donnie and Leo, both of them had concerned faces. Mikey didn't realize why they look at him like that until he heard a slight whimper. Slowly, he turned back to Raph and saw that he was holding onto the side of his face. Raph looked back at Mikey and tried to smirk as he pulled his hand away to show the fresh bruise. "You got quite'a hit, little bro," Raph said as he lightly felt the mark. Mikey looked at his fist and felt petrified to see his brother's blood on his knuckles. Not knowing what to do, Mikey looked back to his father with hot tears in his eyes. "Sensei.... I.. I didn't mean it," He said and quickly tried to apologize. "Raph, I'm so so sorry-" Raph cut him off," Shut up Mike, it doesn't matter." Michelangelo still didn't feel pleased. Now having warm tears sliding down his cheek, he pushed passed his father and dashed out of the lair. All he wanted now was to be alone.

"You're stupid..... You try to help but you just make things worse," Mikey sniffed, and was talking to himself. He sat in one of the sewer tunnels, alone. He didn't have his weapons and he was far away from the lair. He felt like he didn't want to come back, ever. He was scared he would hurt someone again. Suddenly he thought to himself, Why did I do that? Why did I have the urge to do that for Leo? His eyes widened. I did that for Leo....

After thinking things over, Mikey slowly dosed off, and slept for hours. Alone in the sewers..... where anyone could see him.

Back at the Lair...

"Leonardo, where is your brother?" Splinter asked. Leo was watching Space Heroes and didn't seem to be hanging onto what happened between Raph and Mikey. "Mikey? I thought he was in his room, Sensei," Leo said turning off the tv. Now standing, Leo continued," I'll gather the others to search for him." Splinter nodded and went on to the dojo to meditate.

"Guys, Mikey's gone missing," Leo went into Donnie's lab to see Raph sitting on a stool, hunched over and listening to everything Donnie was saying. They both turned to look at Leo. Before he entered, Raph and Donnie were having a conversation about what happened.

"Where do ya think he went?" Raph asked, looking towards his older brother. Leo went over to his other brothers before he responded. "Honestly, I have no idea. I thought he was in his room." Donnie listened as they spoke and tried to think to himself. "Maybe we should split up an look in the sewers. If he's not there, we'll look topside," he said. Leo and Raph nodded in agreement, ready to search.

Searching through the dark sewers, the three turtles had their T-phones on and they were all telling their status.

"He's not in the sewers I checked," Raph said to his phone. He softly rubbed his cheek where he was hit. It stung to press the bruise but Raph didn't mind the pain. He couldn't help but ponder over why his younger suddenly snapped like that?

"He's not in these sewer tunnels either," Donnie said to his phone. "How about you, Leo? Any luck?"

Leo had a flashlight in one hand and the T-phone in the other. "No, nothing yet-" Leo suddenly stopped to listen. He thought he heard a whimper somewhere out in the distance. Leo listened hard, trying to make sure the sound was real. "What wrong? Did you find him?" Donnie asked. Leo responded quietly,"I don't think so but I'll call you back if I do." "W-wait, Leo, don't-" Leo hung up the phone.He stopped walking so he could listen again. Right as he did so, there was another whimper coming directly I front of him. He continued to walk towards the soft sound. It slowly got louder until Leo saw his youngest brother curled up against the wall, whimpering in his sleep. Leo sighed in relief and rushed to his brother. "Mikey, I'm so glad you're ok," Gradually, Mikey woke to the sound of his brothers voice. "L-Leo?" he stuttered. Leo petted his brother soothingly and gave him a warm smile. "C'mon, lets get you back home."

Mikey simply nodded.

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