Chapter 7

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Mikey rolled in his sheets, restless. His eyes would close and as soon as they did, tears would fall. So, there he laid; his eyes wide open, lying in bed sleepless. Mikey sighed and took his blankets off, setting them on the floor. He stood, and made his way to the door through the dark room.

Peering into the kitchen, Mikey silenly turned a light on. He didn't move so he could listen for anyone who might have woken up. There was nothing. Relieved, Mikey continue around the lair. He saw Donnie's laptop sitting on the table in the kitchen. Smiling, Mikey sat in front of it. Up on the screen was messages Donnie had with April. Sometimes, Mikey would secretly talk to April through these messages. This was one of those times.

Wassup April :3

Mikey pressed send and waited about a minute before April sent back.

Mikey?! Do you hav any idea what time it is??

He frowned when he looked at the clock. It was 2:34 in the morning.

Srry, I just can't sleep ;( I was hoping we could talk...

Mikey waited again, until April sent him a video.

I was gonna show u tomorrow but I want u to listen to this song now. Can u translate it 4 me? :) And yes we can talk just not 4 a long time. im tired

Mikey clicked on the video and made sure the music wasn't so loud. As soon as it started playing, he knew who was singing. "Hatsune Miku," Mikey said quietly, rolling his eyes but smiling. He listened to girly song and understood all the words. When it got to the chorus, Mikey's smile faded.

"Aishite, Aishite, Aishite, motto, motto!!"

Mikey thought of the English translation in his head. 'Love me, Love me, Love me, more, more!!'

Well? :/

April asked. Mikey was still feeling gloomy about the empty place in his heart. He wanted somebody to love him the way Hatsune Miku was describing love. But he knew that would never happen. Unless...

Just giv me the translations tomorrow. Good night Mikey ^_^

The song ended and Mikey snapped out of his thoughts. Quickly, he responded to April.

Yeah night april >w<

That face didn't actually describe how he felt. That's what Mikey liked about the Internet; if you were upset, no one would know. You then don't have to share the pain and go through a whole talk.

Not knowing what to do and still restless, Mikey decided to do a little web surfing. He clicked on the google tab in the upper right corner and typed: what is love?

For the rest of the night, Mikey looked for answers and replayed April's song in his head over and over again.

Aishite, aishite, aishite, motto motto!

Aishite, aishite, kuruoshii hontoni

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