Chapter 8

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Sweet Silence...... No Distractions, No Brothers...... No Nothing....

It was early in the morning, Leonardo sat crisscrossed on the floor of the dojo, meditating.
He took in a deep breath, and let the air out through his mouth. For what felt like hours, he continued this process without any interruptions, until he felt the presence of someone walking towards him. Without moving or opening his eyes, he spoke. "Ohayo Sensei," he said proudly. Splinter stood in front of him. Leonardo opened his eyes and looked up at his father with a slight smile. "Ohayo, Leonardo," Splinter said back and sat crossed legged in front of Leo. Leo shifted nervously. "Sensei, may I ask you something?" He spoke, repeating in his head what he planned to say. When he got approval with a slight nod from his Master, he began. "Master Splinter... Why do you forbid us of having affectionate feelings towards others, other than family?" Leo kept his eyes focused on his Sensei's, eager for a straight forward answer. Unfortunetely, he assumed he would get more of a lecture, and his father would avoid a direct answer as much as he could. Splinter simply, 'Hmph'ed and stroked his beard thoughtfully. "... Leonardo, why do you ask this?" Leo tensed up. How was his Sensei planning to answer? "Well, we're getting older, father. We are becoming more curious and we would like to know about..." His words trailed off as his eyes drifted away from his father's. "You know..." 

Master Splinter stood and headed over to his shelf in the dojo, with a picture of him, his deceased wife, and his daughter. Gently picking up the image, he made his way back over to his son and spoke as he studied the picture. "I have told you the story of what happened to my wife, Tang Shen," he said," If you must know, it is because of her that I try to protect you four from experiencing the same..." he ran his thumb over his wife's face. "It was a great loss that I want you and your brothers to never experience." Splinter looked to his eldest son, whose face was showing concern. Leo licked his dry lips and thought through his father's words. He should have known. He should have known there was a good reason Master Splinter was keeping them from having any chance of love. He shouldn't have questioned his master. He was right. "Thank you, Sensei... Forgive me for asking." Master Splinter came a slight nod and placed the photo back on the shelf then went to sit in front of Leonardo. "And I am sorry for disturbing your meditation. Please, continue." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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