Chapter threee-birthdays

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Nolan's POV~

Today is my birthday.

I'm finally seventeen years old. I don't really think that it's that big of a jump, but my friends do. I'm the youngest in the group. It goes Jayden, Miles, then me. Being the youngest isn't that bad though. I am the last person people ask to drive but I'm okay with that.

After getting spammed with happy birthday texts I got in the shower. My mother would always say "even though it's your birthday doesn't mean you can give up on school!". But I still tried to skip.

Being at my school was just a bummer, like not just because of the work,but because there is always so much depression in the air. It was like everyone at this school is sad, and when I say everyone I mean everyone.

But me and my "crew" where the coolest. Okay, maybe thats an overstatement.

The populars are the "coolest". I know if I was rich I wouldn't throw it around like these people do. They're always throwing parties (ones that kinda suck), doing drugs, not getting an education. Everything I'm not supposed to do is what they do.

Even though I live in a pretty big house all on my own, and with Jayden always wanting to party.

So after school they threw me a small birthday party. Jayden, Miles, this girl who I don't know, and Katie all came to the extravaganza as Miles called it.  

We had cake and watched disney, it may seem lame but it's what we've done every year, since grade two.

I told them not to get me anything but they all. teamed up and got me new headphones. Well they did break mine so they owed me. But it's the thought that counts,right?

12:34 pm:

We are all still awake but slowly drifting in to deep sleep. Bambi and some weird music are clashing in the background, making it even harder to sleep.

12:44 pm

Exactly ten minutes ago we were all awake, now there's only two of us left. Me and the girl who never told me her name. She was reading but every so often she would write in the book.

I scooted over to her and asked her name.

"My name is emily."


They have met

What did you thinkkkkk??

I get my new house today (random fact of the day)

So yah

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Lots of love and ice-creamm~Hannah

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