Chapter five-conversations

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"Pastel or neon?" She asked me. We've been talking for the past hour and a half, and i still have no clue who she is. It that bad? Stranger danger!

"Pastel, all the way! Like do you even know me!" I wasn't really thinking when I said this, so she came back with a stupid reply.

"I've known you for almost two hours. Does that count?" I Could hear her echoing laugh through the phone. It's surprising how much you can learn about someone in two hours. Well over the phone it's almost everything but looks.

"Only if you want it to." I say laughing back at her.

"So, why aren't you like eating or watching t.v with your family?" My parents. . .

"Well, i ate at four-" i was cut off by here yelling at me for eating at four.

"Why the hell did you eat at four!?" I guess she was very passionate about when people eat. Then she started laughing, not at me but at the situation, I guess.

"Because I did. Do you have a problem?" I said sarcastically. I was going to ask her for her name but I never did. But i was kinda happy to have an online friend.

"Nope, no problems here! Except for the fact that I have to go," Slowly the reality hit me hard in the head. I barely know this girl, and she doesn't know me. But i have a longing feeling to know her. No, don't get attached, remember your parents.

"Okay, have fun at Disneyland, bye!" I didn't want to hang up. I just wanted to talk to her all day and night. Maybe because she's mysterious and different, or maybe because she just randomly has my number and decided to call me. I don't know.

"I will byee." She stretched the E making it sound longer. Then the line went dead, and she was gone. I pushed myself up off my bed, and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen, the last place I saw them. But it made me calm, sitting, standing, moving. Anything became an escape. But writing was my favourite, spilling my mind on to an unexpected piece of paper. It helped.

So I grabbed a water and walked back to my room. And despite my mind telling me no I dialled my brothers number, but there was no answer. They cut me from the family.

So at 9:43pm I crawled into bed and went to sleep. My last thought being:

What's her name?


Helllo pushpins

I'm honestly really nervous for school, I'm going to a new school!

So yah this chapter is definitely dedicated to: cedricpuff  Xzone569 Venumsniper12 xlyiahx and last but not least, taobi_xianshi

Thank you all for readin'

Please vote andd yah

Lots of love and ice-creamm~Hannah

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