Chapter eight-Disneyland part two

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Emily's pov:

I was running, actually I was sprinting. Through crowds of people, familys', and photo bombing teenagers taking group selfies. And all that was pulsing through my mind was:

Is it really him?

I barely even know how the heck this guy is! I've never even seen him!

What have I gotten myself in to?

When I got his text I ran out the door with no explanation for my mom and brother. All they could do was guess on why I left so urgently. But that was the least of my worries at the moment.

Cinderella's castle stood 10 minutes away from our hotel so running just made my feet hurt more than they already did. And with all the people I bumped into I wondered if it was actually worth it, it as in seeing him. But I continued pushing and shoving through people till I got to him.

The castle was quickly getting tall and wider. As the butterflies in my stomach only got crazier.

Then I saw a man my age running towards me. He seemed familiar. Then it hit me the person I've been taking to was,


I met him a week or two ago. He just turned seventeen.

Then he realized who I was and his jaw dropped. It legitimately fell open. As I got closer I could see that he was blushing bright red, and I was to.

"Hi, again," I laughed awkwardly, still smiling and blushing.

"Hey, uh Emily. I really had no clue." He was rubbing the back of his neck shyly, but it was cute. The redness of his cheeks had started to fade to a shade light pink.

"I didn't realize either, uh, haha." I couldn't stop with the awkward laughter.

"Hey Emily, who's your boyfriend." Then I saw that me and Nolan were holding hands. And Liam was walking away dramatically.

What have I done!?

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