Chapter nine-him

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Nolan's pov:

"Liam," Emily whispered so quietly, I could barely hear her say it. She looked crushed and for some reason I felt a pang of jealousy.

"Who was that," I asked cockily. She quickly turned her head and stared into my eyes. Hers where glistening with tears, mine as dry as my math teachers humour.

"I met him yesterday, and, uh we became friends. And i guess he liked me, and I liked him too." Oh, wow. I stood there stunned, unmotivated to apologize, or to say anything.

I started slowly walking away from her. I don't really know why, though.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving me to?" She asked me, her voice raspy. I couldn't turn around, and see her hurt. Hurt. I had hurt her. Or maybe i didn't.

She's probably already smiling, going on rides, and having a blast. But when i turned around all i saw was Emily standing with her head down, with hands in her face.

I quickly ran off to find this- very stupid- man named Liam. 


He was standing at a lemonade stand, drinking lemonade. I didn't realize how much Emily liking another guy affected me. But seeing him standing there, eyes red, it hit me like a brick.

"Liam!" I yelled to get his attention, thankfully it worked. Soon as he stared emerging from under the hood of the lemonade stand i was starting to run at him.

"What the heck do you want!" He said, rolling his eyes. Ugh, he was so stupid.

"I want to know why you're being so rude to Emily," he just glared at me. Then he answered,

"I was going to ask her out, but you came around and stole her." Liam's voice was filled with undeniable rage. He soon walked towards a fist thrusted at me, my face to be exact.

He punched me in the nose. Blood leaked out of it, coating my clothes in the red substance.

"What the hell!" I yelled at him in shock and frustration, but mostly anger.

"What did you do?" She asked from behind me.

Then Emily ran away.



Sorry I didn't update yesterday

The chapter wasn't finished yet

But here it is!

Honestly so much drama

And yah that was definitely a stupid move on Liam's part

(To punch Nolan)

But yah

Byee my pushpins!!

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