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Date:February 15, 2017

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Date:February 15, 2017.

Riley's pov:

I can't believe she drew that. I can't believe anything right now. I ran yo the football field. And sat on bleachers. Watching the cheerleaders. Just staring. I should be one of them. Maybe I would be if Maya wasn't such a bad one. I would always get in but Maya wouldn't and I didn't want to do something without my best friend. But maybe I should. They stopped cheer leading for a second. For a water break and to gossip. The head cheerleader Missy Bradford looked at me. And walked up on the breachers to sit by me. She smiled. It was a sweet smile. All the other cheerleaders sat around Missy and me. I gave a sweet smile but there we're a couple of tears. I was more pissed then sad.

"So you here to join." Missy asked with a sweet smile.

I smiled. "I don't know. Am I good enough for you guys." I asked. Staring at their group.

"Yes." Missy said with a smile.

"What about Maya." Darby asked. Missy looks at me.

"What about her." I ask. Standing up walking down the bleachers. Grabbing a pom pom. Missy smiled then jumped down.

"Ready." Missy said standing beside me smiling.

"Ready." I say smiling back.

"We got the moves. You got the spirt. Come on down. I want to hear you cheer it." Missy and I cheer. I laugh. And all the other cheerleaders start to cheer with us. Maybe I didn't need Maya. I didn't even know why we're friends in the first place. Just because some girl came though my window means I have to be friends with her my while life. That was about 10 years ago. I'm in high school now I don't need her. I don't need anyone.

"So is it official. Are you joining our team." Missy asked. As we stopped cheer leading. Everyone formed a circle around me.

"Yeah. I would really love it." I say smiling.

"Good." Missy says. And the whole team hugs me.

"And if you need to talk or anything I'm always here for you." Missy whispers to me.

"Thank you." I tell her. Smiling.

"Riles." Lucas says waking towards us.

"Look I don't have time for your crap. You can go fuck Maya in the janitors closet with Zay and Smackle for all I care." I say. There's some oohs in the crowd of cheerleaders.

"Riley we need to talk." Lucas says staring at me.

"Sorry. Riley is done with fuckboys. And your stupid triangle. She's a cheerleader now. And she doesn't have time for you and Mayas shit." Missy says. Waving goodbye to Lucas. He glares.

"Really. Because I want to hear Riley say that herself." Lucas says he's up in Missy face. Missy takes a step back and looks at me.

"Lucas. Just leave. I don't need you or Maya anymore so go." I tell him turning around to face the cheerleaders to do another cheer. He glares the walks away.

"What was that Missy." I ask her.

"I was helping you out. Thats what I'm here for." Missy says giving me a playful punch to my arm.

"Okay, but can you let me handle it next time." I ask in a quiet tone.

"Whatever you want hun." Missy says walking away to form a pryimad with the rest of the cheerleaders.

I walk away. I may be a cheerleader now. But that doesn't mean I have to show up for every practice. Besides. I'm gonna go full on bitch. I was gonna comfort Smackle.

I walk to The library. Where she would be. Probbally brushing her hair. I walk in. I walk over to the romance section. She liked to read romance novels. I don't know why since she's horrible at her own relationship. I walk over and stare for a few moments. She doesn't look up from her book. I start going though books. Trying to be loud.

"Riley." She says looking up at me.

"Oh you noticed thank God." I saw walking towards her.

"What are you doing here. Shouldnt you be with Maya or Lucas." Smackle asks closing her book.

"Nope. I should be here watching you brush your hair. But I guess. Zay just didn't go all out today did he." I say staring at her with a devilish smile.

"Riley what's gotten into you." Smackle asks standing up.

"Oh your not ready to talk about Closet time. Thats okay. We can talk about something else." I say smiling.

Smackle glares. Putting her book back on the shelf. "Farkles a good guy you know." I say in a small kind voice.

"I know." Smackle says in a soft voice.

"So let's make a little deal." I say smiling she looks at me and nods.

"Okay." She says.

"You stay with Farkle. Tell him about closet time. He'll forgive you of course. But Zay he won't. But if you do then. I won't tell anyone what happened last summer. With you and my uncle. Oh and of course you have to tell Zay you hate him. Which would cause him to hate you. And you'll Probbally break a couple of friendships. But least your secret won't be out." I say with the devilish smile.

"You wouldn't dare." Smackle says.

"Oh watch me." I say walking off.

"Riley wait." Smackle says running up next to me.

"And that's what I like to hear." I say turning towards her.

"You promise you won't say a word about the Josh thing." Smackle says.

"Nope. Pinky Promise." I say holding out my pinky. She holds at hers.

"And you will keep it won't you." I tell her. Hanging on to her pinky tight.

"Yes. I'll tell Farkle and Zay today." Smackle says she looked like she could cry. Ha! Bitch has a heart at least.

"Good." I say letting go of her pinky and walking out of the library. Where next. Auh yes lunch. The real fun.

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