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Date: February 15, 2017.

Mayas Pov:

I can't believe I was crying. And practically crying into Lucas. I could feel his shirt becoming wet from my tears. God what was wrong with me. He whispered to me moments ago. "Its gonna be okay. Calm down." The way he said it made me feel safe. Yeah I know he just locked me in a closet. And not to mention the fact I didn't like him anymore. We still ended up in each others arms. *Beep.* it was my phone I let go of Lucas. And dry my eyes.

"Who is it." He asks.

"Oh my God." I say staring at the phone. I turn it towards Lucas. So he could see it.

"Maya I'm not letting you go back there. Last time you saw him. It broke you." Lucas says looking straight into my eyes. It always made me feel weird when he looked at me. It was a happy kinda weird. It always made me smile. He looked at me alot.

"I have to see him. Lucas. You don't understand what's going on." I say to him. Running my fingers through my hair.

"Maya. You can't. You just can't." Lucas says. He trys to grab my hand. I pull away.

"Lucas, he's only back. Bec-Because-" I stare at him. I can feel tears fill my eyes again.

"He wants custody of me." I say my voice squeaks. Lucas stares at me. And he just pulls me into a big hug. I can feel his heartbeat. Its really loud. Earlier it was soft and steady.

"I won't let that happen." He whispers into my ear. He doesn't let go of me. I don't think he ever would. That is until.

"Just kiss already." Zay says. Him and Smackle walk toward us.

I wipe my eyes. And Lucas let's go of me. But he holds onto my hand. Not wanting to let go. He stares at me. Its almost like the way I look at art. Was I what he classified art.

"Wait. Whats going on. I thought you guys we're fighting." Smackle says. Staring at Lucas's hand it was still holding onto mine. I stare at Lucas. He looks at me.

"Lucaya can't stay mad. There in love." Zay says. Making a heart with his hands.

"No we're not." I say moving my hand off of his. I step away from him.

"Maya." Lucas says stepping towards me. I step back. He steps towards me again. I step back. It goes on and on. Until I hit the row of seats behind me.

"I'm not gonna let him take you. I don't wanna lose you." Lucas says. He's inches away from my face. I look at his lips. I bite my lip. Trying so hard not kiss him. I can't help it. Even when I don't want to I usually end up kissing him. But this time I didn't.

"You've already lost me." I say. Moving him out of my way. I start to walk out of the theatre.

"Wait up." Smackle says running after me. She glares at Zay. She walks out with me. Were now in the hallway.

"Why did you come with me." I ask her.

"I needed to get away from him." She says.

"From who. Zay. Why wouldn't you be all close. Concindering Farkle wasn't in the room." I say. She stares at me. Then to the floor.

"I broke it off." Smackle says. My face shows a shocked expression.

"Can I ask why?" I say.

"I was tired of hurting Farkle. I'm in lov-I Like Farkle to much. To hurt him." Smackle says.

"I can tell that's not the case. Your not sure how you feel are you." I say to her. Knowing I've been in the same situation.

"What if I don't feel the same way about Farkle that I do for Zay. What if I like one as a friend and the other as like an I love you-like you. Have you ever felt like that." Smackle says. I look at her.

"I've never really thought of it like I love one and not the other. But idk. But I do know that if you love someone you need to tell them. Or you'll lose them." I say to her. "Forever." I say again to myself and her.

"So have you told Lucas that you love him then." Smackle says giving Me some weird wink.

"What?" I ask with a smile. And a small giggle.

"Oh come on. I see the way you look at him. And the way he looks at you. Your inside jokes. That one laugh you only have around him. The small jealous smile you both get when your around anyone else other than each other. Your little 'game' you play. If you guys don't love each other then I don't know what love is." Smackle says smiling. I let out a laugh and Stare at her for a few moments.

"Oh I'm sorry. I made it arkward didn't I?" Smackle says.

"No you just made me think. Anyways are you gonna tell them how you feel." I say.

"Maybe. What happens if I let the one I loved go." Smackle says looking at me.

"Well your still gonna love them. That won't stop. You'll still have all of your glances and moments. But it won't feel the same. It will be more akrward. And it'll make your heart ache. But the only thing that your looking forward to is that one moment he looks at you. Even tho your wanting him to not he still will. And Evey last inch of you wants to hate him so much. But you can't because you love him. And you don't want to lose him. But at the same time he's already slipping away. So I would make sure you tell him. Tell him right now if you have to. Scream it from the rooftops. Just find a way to tell him. Or you might lose him. And that'll hurt worst than anything." I say to her. Her face looks shocked.

"I'm gonna tell him." Smackle says with a smile.

"Okay but I think Farkles in the library so you'll have to wait I guess." I say to her, but her smile fades.

"Dude where Are they." Zay says walking out of the audtioum with Lucas. Smackles smile comes back. Oh it's him. Thats the one.

"Oh." I say staring at her. She punches my arm.

"There you are. We we're worried about you guys." Lucas says walking towards me. I try not to smile. But I can't help it.

"Hi." Smackle says to Zay as he walks closer to us. Zay doesn't say anything. He looks at me.

"So did you guys go check on Riley." Zay asks.

"No,Farkles still with her. We think he is anyways." Smackle says.

"Maya we need to talk." Lucas says.

"About what." I ask.

"About what the hell is going on with us." He says.

"What do you mean. There's nothing going on with us. I told you how I felt. And I realized we're just friends." I said. But when I said it it made my stomach twist and turn. I could see the way his eyes had sparkled moments before I said it. Now there just like a lost puppy's eyes.

"What if I don't feel the same way. What if I don't think we can be friends. Were not good at being friends Maya. Even when we try and hate each other. We always, always end up in each others arms." Lucas says walking away. I was waiting for some remark from Zay. But he doesn't say anything. He runs after Lucas. Smackle looks at me.

"You know. You should take your own advice once in awhile."Smackle says then she walks away.

*Ring* The bell rings. School is over. Even tho we all just kinda skipped our classes today. Were such great students. I guess maybe Smackles right. Maybe I should take my own advice.

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