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Date: March 28,2017.
Farkles Pov:

Riley and I stare at Lucas. I can feel a tear role down Riley's cheek.

"Lucas." Riley says softly. He looks up at her.

"Who is it." Riley asks.

"Oh just my brother. Wanting to see if I could come to Texas in a couple weeks." Lucas says. There was a hint of anxiouness in his voice. But Riley beleived what he was telling. I was still a little supisous. Lucas quickly puts his phone away.

"You guys hungry. I could make us some pancakes." Lucas says. At that sentence Riley starts to cry.

"What, what's wrong with pancakes." Lucas asks.

"Maya liked pancakes. And she was a tiny pancake." Riley cried out. I put my hand on her back and I comfort her.

"How about waffles we good with waffles. Or should I call Zay since he's a better cook than me." Lucas asks.

"Oh my God." Riley says softly to me. She stares at me tears still falling.

"What." I ask.

"Zay doesn't know. He's gonna be crushed. Maya and him we're pretty close. Well you know until the whole Smackle thing happened then Maya just kinda started to despise him a little but still." Riley says. She had to bring up Smackle. God.

"We should call Zay." Riley says to Lucas.

"Fine I'll call Zay." Lucas says stepping into the hall.

"You think he's hiding something." I ask her. She stares at me.

"Lucas would never hide anything from me. He's not like that. He would never." Riley says. She obviously still loves him. But I don't think that will ever go away. He was her first "love" and you never forget those. I won't.

"Okay." I say softly.

"I'm sorry." Riley says staring at me.

"For what?" I ask. Tears fill her eyes.

"Farkle. I did it again." Riley says. I pull up her sleeve. The cut marks that she had made a few months ago. Had reappeared.

"Riles. Why?" I ask her. She leans herself towards me.

"You left me. Maya left me. Lucas didn't like me anymore. Zay and Smackle left me. My parents have been fighting. Auggie doesn't pay attention to me. And I was all alone one night. And I cried myself to sleep. I promised you I wouldn't but I did. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Riley says she crying even more.

The first time she cut was last summer after she had a bully and of course after she found out Maya liked Lucas. She really hasn't been the same since. I was the one who found her crying in the bathroom razor in hand. That day was horrible. But I told her I made her promise to never do it again. And I thought she hadn't. But I left her. We all did. We left her alone. And bad things happen when your alone. Voices in your head. They kick in and take control it's like there the ones with the blade.

I tightly hug her. "Its fine riles. Okay. Just tell me. When your upset. Okay. I don't want a razor blade to be what comforts you. I want to be the thing that makes you happy. Not something that hurts you. I love you Riles." I say. Crap did I just tell Riley that I loved her. Maybe she'll think I just mean it as like a friend. Yeah. Thats how I feel. She stays quiet.  Until someone walks into the room.

"Gosh. Lucas can be so annoying. He doesn't even have eggs. I can't make good breakfast food without any EGGS! Gosh. Hey what are you doing." Zay says barging in.

"Talking." I say.

"Where's Lucas." Riley asks sitting up.

"I sent him after eggs and some other food I asked him to get. Why don't you guys call Maya and I'll start to get everything ready to make." Zay says. That made me freeze. I can feel Riley squeeze my hand. Zay  stares at us.

"Earth to Genius and sunshine. Call my baddass rebel best friend. Whats wrong with you guys. Your acting like somebody died." Zay says. Little does he know. Riley stares at him. I stare at the window.

"Where is she!" Zay asks his voice raises.

"Riley!" Zay says. Zays eyes go quiet. He stares at Riley.

"Zay,  Maya's" Riley stops and takes a deep breath her voice is squeaky. Zay stares at her. Riley stands up. "She's dead." She says it in a voice that doesnt sound like Riley anymore. Riley walks out of Lucas's room.

Zay stumbles back. He looks at me. He doesn't cry.

"Does Lucas know?" Zay asks quietly talking. I nod my head.

"Oh" he says.

"Hey guys." Lucas says with the bags of food. He's smiling. How can you smile when the women you love just died. How? Zay takes the bags and walks down stairs he doesn't say a word.

"Whats up with him." Lucas asks. I stare at him.

"What are you hiding." I ask.

"What do you mean Farkle. I'm not hiding anything." Lucas says.

"Your girlfriend or whatever the hell Maya was just fucking died. And your in the happiest mood ever. That's sick. You know how Maya would be if you died. She would go out of her freaking mind. But your not. So we're you ever in love with her. Or we're you so in love with her that you couldn't handle the fact that she would leave you so you killed her." I say to him. I stare at him.

(How you liking the story. Why is Lucas so happy. Where'd Riley go. Is Zay gonna make food. Whats gonna happen next. Oh and who do you think HPM is?)

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