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Date: February 16, 2017
Lucas Pov:

I'm lying on my bed. I don't know what's going on with Maya. One minute she's hugging me and everythings fine then the next she's telling me we're friends. Who does that. Way to play with my emotions. Its 5:30 in the morning and all I can think about is Maya and her words and her hair and just her in general. There's a knock on my window. Maybe it was Maya she usually comes through my window when she's upset and just needs to cry. Maybe it was her. I walk over to my window and open it. NOPE! Its Riley.

"Hey, can we talk." Riley says. Stepping though my window.

"Well your already here so go ahead." I say sitting back on my bed. Riley never comes through my window. It was a Maya thing to do. Farkle came through it once cause he followed Maya. And Zay uses the door since he thinks it's rude to come through the window. Yet he barges into my house. I stare at Riley.

"Look, I'm sorry. For saying you know that stuff about you and Maya. I know you guys don't really like each other. It'd just that when I saw that stupid painting it made me over react. I don't know why I always think everything she paints involves her life and us. But now that I know she doesn't like you and you don't like her. I know that we can be together. Because we're like Romeo and Juliet. Were perfect. And don't worry I forgive you for hugging her. I know she was just crying." Riley says. She was smiling. I can't believe she actually thought I didn't like Maya. But with Maya telling me everything she'd told me. Maybe Maya and me arn't good as a couple. We shouldn't even have had this stupid triangle. Maybe I don't love Maya maybe it's Riley that I love. I stare at Riley. But when I look at her all I can see is that she isn't Maya.

"So Lucas will you go out with me. I know we haven't been on great terms lately but I know we can work out the whole triangle thing and put it behind us." Riley says. Her smile is pretty but it doesn't light up my whole world like Maya.  But maybe she's right. I could just give her a chance. Maya and I are just friends.

"Shouldnt I be the one asking." I say with a smile. She let's out a laugh.

"So can I take that as a yes." Riley says smiling.

"Yes. Riley I'll go out with you." I say smiling. And Riley grabs my face and kisses me. Her kiss is soft. Its sweet but it's nothing compared to when Maya kisses me it's more passionate. She let's go.

"Yay." she shouts.

"Okay so I'm gonna met you at school. Cause I go to go talk to Maya." Riley says stepping towards the window.

"Wait Riley.  Do you know about the whole custody thing." I ask. Her face goes blank.

"I go to go." Riley says stepping out the window. I run and grab he  before she can leave.

"Riles spill." I say pulling her into the room.

"Mayas dad is getting custody of her okay. Thats why he's back in town. Thats why her room is full of boxes. Its also why her locker is empty." Riley says staring at me.

"Wait she's moving in with him." I say I can feel my rage to start to come out.

"I'm sorry. She didn't want to tell you. We promised to keep it a secret." Riley says walking towards me.

"Wait we. As in all of you. Who all knew."I say staring at her.

"All of us Lucas. She told all of us." Riley says. I can literally feel my heart sink why wouldnt she tell me. Wouldnt she trust me.

"Why didn't you guys tell me. Why didn't she tell me." I ask I'm pacing the room running my fingers through my hair.

"She told us not too. And she didn't want you to do something you would regret. Like I'm guessing your gonna do." Riley says.

"When. Riley. When is she moving." I ask staring at her.

"The 16. Its a Friday." Riley says. I grab my phone to see what today is I check.

"Riley that's today. Is she coming to school. We have to go. Come on." I say grabbing my phone and Rileys hand. Riley stops.

"Lucas." She says turning my face to make me look at her. I stare at her.

"She's already gone. I was gonna go over there to say goodbye. But it's  to late she was leaving at 6:30. Its almost 7 now." Riley says staring at me and letting go of my face.

I can feel myself sinking into oblivain.

"Maybe she hasn't left yet." I say.

"Lucas she's gone. They left. We can go check on her mother if you want." Riley says. Shes trying to comfort me. Its not gonna help. I just found out Maya had left. I was never gonna find Comfort in that.

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