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Date: February 15, 2017

Lucas Pov:

My anger was uncontrollable. From what Maya said, to Riley being a bitch, to Missy being just her Plain bitchy self. I could feel my Texas self coming out. And I don't think I would be able to control it. Not this time. I would usually focas on Maya and her voice would calm me down. But right now she was mostly the cause of my rage. This triangle wasn't gonna end how it started that's not how things work. I don't love Riley the way I love Maya. Its different. But she doesn't feel the same way. I wonder if she ever has. She has never said she loved me. She never even told me she liked me. Riley just throught Maya did so she made this stupid trinagle. But why would she draw the blonde and the cowboy together. Did she even know what she had drawn. I don't know anymore. But I needed advice. And the only person who could give it. Was Farkle Minkus. Which I haven't been able to talk to him. Cause I feel like I'll plab about Zay and Smackle. I hated this. I hated that my best friend and my other best friend we're lying to each other. I can't stand when people lie. I don't see the point in it. I was gonna talk to Farkle anyways. Maybe it was time he knew. He would probbally forgive her. He's madly in love with her. I head to the only place I think he would be. The science room.

"Farkle,you in here buddy." I say looking around the science lab room.Farkle pops up from under a lab table. Wearing a lab coat and googles.

"Right here." He shouts. From the back of the room. I walk over to him.

"So why are you in my domian." Farkle asks missing some chemicals.

"I needed advice.' I say watching him.

"Oh why me. Why not Zay." Farkle asks.

"Because you know more about this stuff then he does." I say.

"Okay what is it." Farkle says taking off his goggles and looking at me.

"Maya kinda told me she didn't like me anymore and she never did. Then Riley blew up on me. So now I don't know what to feel or do. And I just want to punch something." I say starring at the wall.

"Well Maya is very tricky. Your never actually gonna know how she feels until she shows it. You see Maya can hide her feelings and lie about them. It comes naturally to her. Now the Riley problem. Riley has these moments. We like to call them bitch Riley moments. Every once in awhile. She'll get so upset or so angry. That she turns her full on bitch mood on. And I'm guessing one of you guys triggered it. But I'll fix it. I can always fix her." Farkle says walking around the lab tables to grab his backpack.

"What about Maya. How do I know how she really feels." I ask.

"You'll have to wait for her to prove it to your until then you need to figure it out yourself. Now I have to go meet Izzy for lunch." Farkle says grabbing his backpack and walking out of the science room.

I look around the room. Then look at the clock. Its lunch time. I walk down the hall to the lunch room. And what I see is crazy.

"You bitch." One girl screamed. "No your the bitch who sleeped with my boyfriend." Another screamed. They we're all shoving food at each other. It was like a war zone but with all the girls and a couple of boys in the battle. I looked to the middle of the lunch room. Riley was standing there with a big smile on her face. She turned around and walked her ass out of there and around the corner hall. Did she do this. I had to find out. I ran out all the fighting girls and after Riley. But when I looked around the corner she wasn't there. But one girl was. She was sitting on the floor against the wall.She was a crying blonde. I looked at her. And I got closer to see who it was. I couldn't tell.

"Hey you okay." I asked still not knowing who it was. I held out my hand.

"Fine." The girl says. Grabbing my hand but looking down she didn't look at me.

"Are you sure. You we're sitting here crying your eyes out." I say with a tiny laugh.

"Lucas I'm fine." The girl says looking at me. It was Maya. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm gonna go now. Will you fix Riley. She's being a bitch again. And I can't fix it cause she's mad at me." Maya says she's not looking at me. She was trying yo avoid eye contact.

"She's mad at me 2. I think Farkle will fix her." I say looking directly at Maya. Waiting for her to look at me. She doesn't.

"Okay." Maya says softly. Looking at the ground and moving her feet back and forth.

"I think I'm gonna go now." Maya says walking away.

'Maya wait' Is what I should have said. But instead I just let her go. I knew I should have went after her. I didn't even know why she was crying. What if something happened. Would she ever tell me anything again. Would she ever trust me. Does she even love me.

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