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Lucas's Pov:

We get to Riley's house and look around at the bay window.

"I don't get what we're suppose to be looking for?" Smackle says.

"Bay window? Clue? Maya? Art? Bay window?" Riley starts to mumble. As she looks around the bay window. She moves the pillows around and then she notices something.

"Guys." Riley says quietly she holds up a blood stained note.

"Is that blood?" Zay asks. Riley nods. Unfolding the note and handing it the Farkle.

"Can you read it?" She asks.

"Kinda. It says 'For those of you reading this I could already be dead. But if I'm not it means they took me. He took me. I tried to stop it. Please don't try and find me I don't want anyone else getting hurt. And if this is one of my friends we had a good run and I love you. Now if this is Lucas, I know your gonna try and find me and you'll drag Riley and Farkle into this as well. So I guess I won't be able to stop you. Go to the place where I wanted to lose all hope. But you guys wouldn't let me. If this isn't Lucas or Riley please just let me go.' She knew we would look for her." Farkle says.

"What did she me where she wanted to lose all hope but you guys wouldn't let her?" Zay asks.

"The park! Where she painted hope!" I shout running out of Riley's room.

Riley's Pov:

"Well are you guys just gonna stand here or are we gonna go after Maya." I ask.

"I'm going out the window." Zay says Going out the window Smackle following him.

"What about you?" I ask Farkle.

"I don't get this." Farkle says.

"Get what?" I ask.

"She says someone found her. He found her. But why didn't she go to police about this stuff. She obviously had time. She put up these clues for us. Why didn't she just run away. Or go for help." Farkle asks.

"Maybe she tried but we couldn't help her." I tell him. He stays quiet.

"Come on we gotta find her." I tell him grabbing his hand.

Mayas Pov:

I look around the room. I feel so cold. Out of breath. Pretty soon they would come back in here and beat the hell out of me again. They wanted answers. Answers I wouldn't give them. I didnt really understand why they we're doing this. But I never really understood anything. I try to stand up but I instantly fall back to the ground. I'm weak. I'm dehydrated and starving. I can't imagine what other horrible things they are gonna do to me next.

Lucas's Pov:

"There's nothing here. We've been looking for an hour and there's nothing here." Zay states as he sits on a bench at the park we're at.

"There has to be something. She wouldn't send us here if there wasn't." I tell him.

"Luke it's getting late we still have school. Maybe we should go back home." Smackle says.

"She's right Lucas. I think that we all need some sleep." Riley says looking at Farkle.

"Yeah Sure we could just go to sleep. And act like Maya isn't getting hurt right now. And we have the chance to save her and you guys are just giving up! But yeah Riley let's just go to sleep. Because we wouldn't want to miss school would we Smackle?" I state. My head was spinning and I was pissed and tired.

"Lucas I think you need to calm down." Zay tells me.

"Smackle and I are gonna head home there's only an hour before school starts. But Farkle and Maybe Zay are gonna stay here with you." Riley tells me.

"No Farkle and Zay can go home to. I'm just gonna look one more time then I'll go home and sleep for the rest of the day." I tell them. Riley nods and Farkle places his arm around her. And all four of them walk away.

I look around the park one more time and still nothing. I sit down on the bench and remember the time Maya had been into drugs and got herself into tons of trouble. We sat on this bench.

"She wants me to go stay with my grandma. She says that they have a great rehab center up where she lives. She also thinks I could put my sister into danger. I've never seen her look at me with so much disappointment Lucas. It was horrible." Maya tells me resting her head on my shoulder. She wasn't wearing any makeup and her hair was in a messy bun but she still looked as gorgeous as ever.

"Your mom was just scared Maya." I tell her.

"Scared of what?" She asks.

"Losing you to the same thing she lost your brother to." I tell her. She hated when I brought up her brother well half brother.

"But that's different." Maya says softly.

"Isn't it?" She asks looking at me but basically talking to herself. Then she hugs me.

"I'm sorry Lucas." She tells me. I hold her in my arms. I never wanted to let go.

"What are you thinking about?" A girl asks she was sitting on the bench next to me she pulls me out of my thoughts. I didn't even realize who it was.

"Um just a memory." I tell her. The girl then stares at me and I realize who she is. It's Sarah Maya's 15 year old sister.

"Your thinking about her aren't you?" Sarah asks. I nod.

"Me too. That's why I came here it was like where most of her art was inspired well besides you." Sarah says.

"She was amazingly talented." I say. Sarah puts her head on my shoulder just like Maya did.

"She really was." Sarah says softly.

(So that's the end of this Chapter. I honestly forgot I had wattpad. Then I had someone comment and it gave me a notification so I was oh maybe I should update those. So here we are. Anyways so Sarah and Lucas had a Platonic moment. What do you think about this chapter? Where's Maya? And Who's HPM! )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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