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A few weeks later Rose called me and told me they was a party and we were going ,I went into panic mode I tried on every outfit I had and nothing would do then like an gift from a fairy godmother my wardrobe door swung open and there was the little black number I pulled it on and for the first time in my life I felt...sexy ,it was tight and showed all my curves ,when rose came round to pick me up she just stared at me ,I told her to stop but she was memorized till I hit her with a wet towel.
she then helped me with makeup not too much bit on the eyes and a bit of lippy then we set off to the party she was driving and said she wouldn't be drinking .We got to the house of the party and Rose introduced me to Lynn ,who's house it was and a few others when she called me over "I forgot to introduce my daughter Aerial "with that she tapped on a brunette girls shoulder ,as she turned and our eyes met we both smiled" Laura this is Aerial ,Roses friend" we both said hi at the same time and laughed then we went out into the kitchen for a drink.
She was stunning taller than me, most people where, and slim wearing her own little black number her breast where much bigger than mine and the figure hugging dress had me looking at them when I could in the end I had to tell her " your beautiful and I love your boobs" she looked at me then together we broke out laughing, she put her arms around me and said in my ear " I love yours too " and she kissed me on the cheek. I then thought what am I feeling as we sat and talked I got closer to her and before long we was both squashed together on a chair in the living room
It was late and I went to find Rose to see when we was leaving ,but I couldn't find her when I found Lynn I asked if she'd seen her " I'm afraid she had a bit too much to drink and her boyfriend came and took her home" I felt shocked and a panic attack building inside me and I sat on the stairs crying as here I was in god knows where ,no money not even a coat ,when Laura came and sat with me putting her arms around me "It's OK baby you can stay here and I can drive you home tomorrow " looking at her mum she said" of course you can ,Laura has a spare bed in her room " I said thank you and Laura took my hand" come on let's get you cleaned up, looking in the hall mirror I saw my eye makeup had run with my tears so we headed to the bathroom.

The Changing Of Me ,Book1 16 To 19Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin