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I awoke it was still dark Laura was still behind me but her hand was not on my breast it was now between my legs it felt so nice, she was sleeping soundly and I stroked my body, it was like a different one I had tingly areas all over that made me shiver I rolled onto my back and my hand move down to my pussy it felt warm, I slipped a finger inside, and wet. I then looked at Laura she was naked ,like me I gently put my hand on her tummy ,her skin was soft and I slowly lowered my hand, I haven't seen her completely naked so I rested on my elbow and eased the duvet down as my hand encountered the small triangle of hair ,I was completely shaved ,it was like fluff and soft I pushed on my finger ran down her lips and like me was warm ,then I found a way in my finger pushing right in" oh baby yessss" a whisper came from her ,eyes closed she bit her bottom lip as I explored inside her ,I now moved down so my head was above her pussy she then pulled my leg across her " this is called 69 "she said and she kissed my bud, looking at her pussy I stuck my tongue out and licked her, it was beautiful the taste and texture I did it again with a bit more pressure ,Laura was moaning now and I felt her tongue enter me so I did the same my hand was playing with her clit as I lapped at her pussy I tried to get as deep in her as I could and she grabbed my hips pulling me down onto her mouth ,I felt her body stiffen then she was lifting her hips off the bed and muffled her screams on my leg ,I continued sucking and licking as she came ,over and over I was drinking her cum juices as I was having my own orgasms, baby please ..stop " I let her cum one more time and I moved off her and turned kissing each other tasting each other's pussy juice I laid down facing her and looking at her face" I think I could love you" I said from nowhere
" I think I could you too " she smiled back at me, then holding each other we fell asleep.

I was woken by a gentle shaking" wakey wakey baby" I remembered where I was and who with .I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me, she kissed me then" time to get up, do you want breakfast?" She asked me
" just a cup of tea please" I replied
" OK I'll be down stairs, there's a towel and a change of clothes I sorted for you, no undies though I don't think mine will fit you" she smiled then left me, grabbing the towel and clothes I went for a shower all the time thinking of the night I just had still thinking it was a dream, but I've never dreamt like that before.
I got dry and dressed, a pair of grey joggers and a black band shirt then picking up my under wear and shoving in my pocket I went downstairs.
"Hello Aerial hope you slept well "Lynn greeted me
" Yes thank you, was best I've had "I said looking at Laura she actually turned red and smiled at me. I got my cuppa and sat next to Laura at the breakfast bar " when you're ready I will take you home " she said ,I felt a hollow feeling I didn't want to go
" oh OK " I said quietly
" and don't you be long laura.dad will be home at 12 and we have to be at the airport for 3pm" Lynn said while she was packing a box, it was then I noticed a lot of boxes around all with descriptions of what's in them " what's happening Laura, are you going on holiday and moving house"
Laura went white looking down ,not at me" no silly" Lynn chirped" the house contents are going to storage and Laura's dad has a job abroad with his work ,this time tomorrow we will be in Gambia" she looked up like she was imagining being there already, I tried not to sound upset" how...how long for " Laura gripped my hand and looked at me " 2 years" I was shocked ,I'd never had a relationship and I get one and its over in hours ,all I can do is grip her hand" take me home please
With that I stand say good bye to Lynn and walk out the house Laura follows and points to a mini" that's mine" I get in and I tell her where I live but that's all I said till we reached my place ,I turn and look we both have tears in our eyes we lean together and kiss ,my hand strokes her face " goodbye Laura" I say and get out of the car she looks at me " just go please " tears begin to stream from our eyes as she starts the car and drives away from me ,I fall to my knees sobbing and my uncle walks out of the house "come on Titch "his nickname for me since I was little, bending over he picks me up like a baby, and I bury my head in his shoulder crying uncontrollable as he carries me into the house

The Changing Of Me ,Book1 16 To 19Where stories live. Discover now