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Christmas came and went my heart was mending slowly ,I'd received a letter from Laura saying she will never forget me ,I'd put it away and now I was training 6 days a week running and cardio work ,bag work and sparring ,I couldn't find any girls near my level so I was sparring with men and I was getting stronger ,and angrier each time I went into the ring my aim was to destroy my opponent.
It was a week before my first fight, my opponent was a German girl, ex European champion she had 28 wins and 1 loss, never been down and I was going to fight her in the octagon ring for a chance to go on and fight for a chance at the Euro title myself.
My uncle was sparring with me ,he's 6'5" and around 19 stone so little me was just trying to keep out of his way when his hand dropped ,I don't know to this day if it was on purpose but I took my chance I threw a left hook that caught on the side of the head then I did a spinning leg sweep that took him perfectly behind the knee and the man mountain hit the canvas immediately I grabbed his arm locked it out and applied the pressure, I know that this is it and he tapped out I jumped up screaming ,for the first time in my life I'd beat him and I jumped into his arms " I wish you was my dad" he spun me round and round then he put me down " I've something for you " he stepped out of the ring and I followed into his office. he gave me a card board box I'd pulled off my fighting mitts and opened its first on top was a pair of purple with pink trim boxer shorts with matching vest top and them I pulled out a robe, again purple and pink I was shocked then I saw what was wrote on the back of the robe and shirt and around the elastic I was crying trying to say thank you he smiled" that's you Titch,you are Princess Assassin " that is what a very dear friend called me on a silly PC game I played ,I ran to the changing rooms and put it on ,coming out I was feeling great "Thank you Alan " twirling around he was laughing
"You deserve it Titch you've worked hard" he then gave me a bag same colours and princess assassin on it I looked inside and was surprised to find a belt ,a black karate belt with 3 red tabs on ,I looked puzzled "you're probably better than that but well done that's your third Dan " I was stunned I'd known I was being assessed over the weeks gone by we had visits from some top British Mma people, I looked at him and with a very serious face said " Freda needs to be careful cos on Saturday I'm soo going to win " I then ran home to show the family my kit .

The Changing Of Me ,Book1 16 To 19Where stories live. Discover now