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In the following few months a lot of changes happened for one I turned 18 and I got my own place to live it was a one bedroom flat and in a very modern complex, also I'd had a couple of warm up fights for the European belt, I'd won both easy and I'm glad to say I'd got my anger under control.
My brother, Glen ,is in the army and I'd had a letter from him asking if he could crash on my settee when he had leave this coming May ,which was now I was at the train station waiting for him I was so excited as it was over a year since I saw him last ,
His train pulled in and I was stood on a bench looking for him ,which I didn't really need to ,he was Alan's double, massive .I ran down the platform and he had the biggest smile as I jumped into his arms mine wrapping only half way round him" hello sis ,you need to lay of the egg butties " he laughed as he put me down ,he picked up his bag and I put my arm in his "wait a sec" he said looking around at the train door ,I watched as a tall ,broad shouldered guy got off the train ,he was gorgeous " hurry up Adam meet my little sis, Aerial this is Adam he's in my platoon "
I just stared at him like I was in a trance" Aer ?" Glen said
" oh sorry yes hello Adam" I must of sounded a bit mad to him I thought ,but he was having trouble getting his bag off the train
" let me help" I offered
" it's OK its way to heav......" He started to say as I got a grip and lifted it above my head and placed it in his arms, there was an almighty laugh as Glen became hysterical" I warned you Adam she's s lot stronger than she looks " more laughter then both men put their bags on to their backs and I grabbed an arm each and we set off to my place.
Adam lived not far from me so I invited him up for a drink and they both sat telling me stories from Afghanistan and other places they had been, about 2 hours later Adam left to go see his parents and I sat down on my settee glen was laid on the floor
" So you're not gay now?" He said looking at me
"what...what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him
" come on you was all over Adam, you couldn't take your eyes off him "he laughed again, I so missed his laugh.
" I was not.....well maybe a little he is sort of good looking"
Again he laughed and stood up " OK sis, I'm going for a shower then Rebecca is coming to get me and take me to Alan's, I will probably stay at hers tonight OK "
" yes that's fine, there's a spare key for here on the rack take it and come and go as you like. Rebecca and glen had been together since school she was beautiful, they made a perfect couple.
She arrived an hour later and after a little chat they left" oh sis?"
" yes bro" I replied
"I've left Adams phone number on the fridge" then the door closed but I could still hear his laugh.
I walked into the kitchen and saw the number I then turned quickly and went and sat in the living room.
I need a television I thought to myself so I grabbed my coat and purse then went shopping.

I had no idea how difficult shopping for a TV would be I must of looked at 100s and been told by countless salesmen what this did and what I needed in the end I rang Rose "could you help me I want to buy a TV but I don't know which one and the salesmen baffle me"
"Sure of course where are you now"
I told her and she was here in 10 mins she smiled at me took my hand and went to where the TVs are ,up to one set and called a salesman " OK you my girl here wants that TV what offers you got?" The salesman looked at her blankly
" oh I'm sorry " she said " is it trainee day ,can you go get me a grown up please" the sarcasm in her voice had me smiling
" Erm no madam I can help ,but there are no offers with that set "
" why not isn't it a good set?"
" it's an excellent one ,its our best seller"
" OK she wants one but what have you got to offer to make her buy it"
After 15 minutes 4 floor workers where loading a 32" flat screen TV ,DVD player, wall bracket and a set of surround speakers into Rose's car as we drove of I said" I felt sorry for them in the end" we both laughed all the way to mine ,and she helped me take it into the house ,after s cuppa she had to leave and I sat looking at the TV in its box and the wires all over ,indeed Glen but he's away with Becca .I took the empty cups into the kitchen and I saw the number
" hello Adam?"
"Yes who's this"
" hi its Aerial, Glen's sister"
" oh wow yes sorry ,hi "
" I've a problem and was wondering if you could help"
" if I can I will "
" oh great can you come to my place ,you may need a drill and stuff"
" OK I will be there in half hour"
" aww fantastic I'll see you soon then"
" OK bye"
I put the phone down and just sat for a minute " half hour and I'm a mess!! " I ran to bathroom and rushed to be ready
Just over half hour my door bell rang, I'd put on a pair of skinny jeans and a pink strappy top, I opened the door and his smile hit me for six " hello I've brought my drill " he said
I'd lost the ability to speak I stood back and let him in " hi...it's in thewatsit, erm in there, the living room!" I flustered he smiled and went in I followed after closing the door he was looking at the TV and said" that's no problem will take me an hour"
" you're a hero " now I was blushing " cup of tea or coffee?"
" tea please 2 sugars and milk" I went into the kitchen and waved my face to cool down ,I was feeling like I did when I met Laura I shook myself and carried on making tea
It was done my TV was on the wall we had moved the furniture and we sat on the settee he tried to instruct me on the remote ,I said long as I can turn it on and off that's fine" OK well I've to go now and pick up my mum he said"
" oh OK what do I owe you " the naughty side of my mind knew how to pay him " nothing at all its nice to see you"
" OK well how about I cook you dinner tonight?"
" yes that will be great ,what time"
I looked at the clock ,it was 4pm " about 8 OK " I said
" that's great I'll be here " and before I could reply he leant forward and gave me a quick kiss then left
The door closed and I was in shock, he kissed me, then the panic came dinner for 8 am I mad I grabbed my coat and purse and shot out Tesco bound

The Changing Of Me ,Book1 16 To 19Where stories live. Discover now