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It was 6:30 am and was a nice may morning, I'd been at the gym for 20 mins stretching when Alan turned up, he wound the car window "hi you ready?"
" as I'll ever be " I told him
" OK follow me " turning on the hazard lights we set off
" I hate running "as I fell in behind the car keeping 30 yards behind to avoid fumes.

2 hours later and 15 miles less tread on my trainer's we arrived back at the gym " OK Titch stretch off get some lucozade and be inside in 15 mins" he went inside and I fell on the ground ,god this had better be worth it .
For the next two weeks it was ,run ,bag work, sparring ,cardio training and skipping until it was the Saturday morning of the fight ,which was in Newcastle ,Jo's home town ,we drove up at dinner time " thank you by the way" I hadn't spoke to him about his calls to Africa.
"Erm OK, what for exactly?"
I smiled and put my head on his arm " calling Africa," Laura's called every night"
" good ,about time you two worked it out " he said nothing else till we got to Newcastle.
I was looking out the window and I saw a big, really big building which was getting closer, and closer "what is that place?"I asked
That Titch is where your fighting tonight and we turned into it and the sign said, Welcome to St James park, home of Newcastle United, I was in shock "how many people are going to be in there! "
It's sold out, 40000 near enough, you're on the same bill as the men's world heavyweight championship"
I looked at him "how long have you known?"
"Since the day before I told you, but thought I'd leave this as a surprise"
I just looked at him then outside taking it all in.

I had focused ,the noise of the stadium had gone, all the people around the ring had gone, it was me and her ,she looked in great shape and I knew I did too she was talking to her trainer ,and that's when I saw it ,doubt ,it was in her eyes ,only for a, second but it was there.
Ding ding the bell went
I walked out hand stretched and we touched gloves, she went to my right ,trying to open my guard and then she let go ,1,2 ,3 punches hit me in a second followed by 2 kicks and I took them and I moved forward ,again punches flew at speeds that some wouldn't see and a kick which hit me on my back ,I took them and I moved forward, she circled to my left I side stepped cutting her fight area down as again she let fly 5 punches hit me ,3 kicks and 2 more punches hit me ,then I heard the 1 min buzzer for the end of the round ,I took her punches and kicks but I didn't go forward instead I took two steps backwards ,and she fell for it ,thinking she had hurt me she advanced on to me, she had 6" height advantage which meant as long she kept me away she could jab away and I would struggle to get in close, but she stepped into my area I let go into her body ,I knew these hurt her and I pushed her to the fence ,I was raining punches into her body and head ,I never heard the Bell as the ref stood in between us pointing at our corners ,I stepped back and watched her as she looked at me ,doubt, there again
Back in my corner Alan said " she's going to come out hard this round ,In her eyes you stole the last round from her ,so keep covered up ,I know you can take it ,take the fight to the third round " I nodded as the buzzer went ,10 seconds then ding ding round two ,and Alan called it, she let fly leading with her jab ,punches flying into me and kicks too then I moved forward taking her by surprise as I threw a front kick into her stomach ,it pushed her into the fence, as I followed up with more punches ,then seconds before the bell I threw a solid right hook which she just avoided but I connected with the side of her head and utter pain shot through me ,back in my corner Alan heard it too ,sitting on my stool he said _" I'm stopping the fight Titch you've broken at least 3 fingers "
" no please no !I can win this " I begged him
" with a broken hand how?"
"Uncle Alan trust me " I looked in his eyes tears where blooming
" OK but I've got the towel right here " he kissed my forehead " get her Titch"
I stood on the buzzer and the bell for round 3 sounded
I closed in with her as she threw some jabs ,I was looking for a opening ,she threw a kick which I instinctly blocked with my right hand I let a yelp out as the pain shot through me ,she smiled ,doubt had gone now it was victory she felt,
She didn't come straight on this time ,learnt that lesson in the first round she had ,this time she was side stepping ,cutting down my area which normally is a good idea but I was looking for one chance, and it came, for a second I was back in the gym when I beat Alan for the first time ,her right arm dropped and I struck like a missile my left hook hit firmly on her jaw ,I dropped with a spinning leg sweep and like a falling tree she came down, putting her arm out to break her fall ,which I was waiting for ,I grabbed it and put it under my arm, locked it and laid back ,I heard her tap out above the noise, the ref disentangled us standing up ,Jo rolled over holding her arm the pain etched on her face ,I hope I'd not broke her arm, looking at her her eyes, they now said defeat,
Alan lifted me up as high as he could ,and believe me it's a long way up ,the announcer came in and said " Ladies and Gentlemen ,in a great fight your winner in the third round by submission and the new featherweight champion of Europe ,the princess assassin ....Aerial Whileblood!!!!!"and the ref put the belt around my waist I was running around the ring and Jo stopped me" you're a flipping machine " she smiled then she kissed me on the lips ,I looked a little worried ,"don't worry pet I'm married "and she took hold of a beautiful girls hand "this is my wife Chloe "
" hi " I said ,"sorry I can't shake hands it's a bit busted"
" nay bother pet " and she kissed me too ,I laughed and told them we would catch up later ,Alan then came and said" time to get you to the hospital " looking at him I kissed his cheek
" thank you, thank you for everything" ,I kissed his cheek again, then I felt someone close behind me " I hope baby you got some kisses left for me "
I spun round and took hold of her and our lips crashed together as we both fell to our knees
" forever my sweets I will have kisses for you ,forever "
and Alan lifted us up as me him and my Laura left the stadium.

The Changing Of Me ,Book1 16 To 19Where stories live. Discover now