Solangelo oneshot #3

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Nico di Angelo

I felt the bright morning sun creep through the window and crawl it's way over the bed. Beside me, Will's hair seemed to glow in the new light. I smiled faintly and stretched out, yawning.

Quietly as I could, I slung my legs over the side of the bed and reached down to grab a pair of pajama pants I hadn't bothered to put away yesterday. I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me back into the bed. I suppose I could've fought against him, but I decided not to and swung my legs back over the bed, crawling under the blankets and pressing against Will's bare body. He shifted so he was lying half on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed back lazily, knowing it bugged him to no end. He pulled away and kissed a spot behind my ear, then trailed his mouth down to the spot between my shoulders and neck and sucked gently, grazing his teeth over the spot. Damn me for bugging him like that this early in the morning! My mind hissed. But I smiled sleepily.

"Will," I whispered, not wanting to speak any louder. "Will, I've got work tonight."

He hummed. "Okay. It won't make much of a difference though." He murmured, pulling away from my neck and propping himself up on my chest. "I love you." I murmured, staring my head so I could kiss him. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me back. "I love you too, Death boy."

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