Baby Daddy Naki

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Naki x Fem!Reader

The only warning here is there are a few cuss words.

And like always italics are reader's thoughts. I just love Naki so much. ( ' ▽ ' )ノ


You look down at your test result, it is positive.


It was just a one night stand with Naki... Yet, here you are holding a positive pregnancy test. You walk out of Eto's bathroom, completely bewildered.

"Well? What does it say Y/N-chan?" Eto asks, her eyes scanning your body. "I'm pregnant.. Eto.. What am I to do?" You sigh, looking down at your shoeless feet.

"Have the baby of course!" Eto says in a happy sing-song voice before embracing you. "Really? But Naki... It was just a one night stand.."

"Y/N-chan, Naki loves you. And I know you love him. He won't be upset with you when you give him the news, I promise." She says with a smile before pulling away from you.

"How do you know he loves me?" You question.

"He told me. He was too afraid to confess his feelings to you so he just let his testosterone get the best of him and well-"

"Yeah.. yeah.. okay I get it Eto.." You blush in embarrassment, turning back towards the bathroom to throw away the test.

"Should I let all of Aogiri know?" Eto asks teasingly.

"N-no! Absolutely not!" You glare back at her, face still a deep red.

"I'm kidding Y/N-chan. It's not my place to tell."

"Thank you Eto." You smile then disappear behind the bathroom door.

~Later that night~

"Geez Y/N! Keep up ya slow poke!" Naki whines, as you both are out hunting for human meat to bring back to Aogiri. Eto purposely sent just the two of you out since she desperately wanted you to give him the news.

"I-I'm sorry Naki. Give me a minute.." You pant, bending down with your hands on your knees.

Naki stops and turns to you with a concerned look on his face. "Y/N.. This isn't like you.. What's wrong?" He asks softly before taking a few steps towards you.

"N-nothing I'm just not feeling too good.." You admit truthfully, looking up at him as he closes the space between you two.

"Y/N.. You're scaring me.. Please be okay!" Naki bursts into tears, pulling you into his arms. You quietly sigh and wrap your arms around his neck.

"It's okay Naki. I'll be alright.. There's just something I need to tell you.." You bite your lip, feeling queasy. Upon hearing these words he pulls away, studying your face.

"What is it Y/N?" Naki asks, eyes wide with curiosity. You take a deep breath and tenderly wipe away a few droplets left on his cheeks. He grabs your wrists and holds them there, fingertips lingering on his skin.

"Naki.. I-I'm pregnant.." You whisper, immediately closing your eyes to avoid his crimson ones. "Really?! That's great Y/N!" Naki shouts happily as he picks you up by the waist and twirls you around.

"N-Naki.. Please put me down I feel sick!" You yelp in fear of vomiting all over him. "Oh sorry!" Naki apologizes, quickly setting you back down on the ground. "Does this feel better on your tummy?" Naki asks, gently patting your stomach.

You giggle at the uncertainty in his voice. "Yes Naki it does." You look up at him with a soft smile before placing a hand on his.

"Y/N.. I love you.." Naki confesses, tears starting to stream down his face again. "Naki! Stop crying okay? I love you too!" You assure him with a genuine smile. "So you're my lady then!" Naki confirms in a comical voice, planting a kiss to your lips. You return it before pulling back, laughing.

"Huh what's so funny?!" Naki wiggles a brow. "You! You're such a goofball Naki!" You say, trying to hold back another giggle.

"Whatever! But I need to get you back!" Naki says in a hurry, picking you up bridal style.

"What why?" You wonder, clinging onto his shoulders. "Because I don't want you or the baby getting hurt!" Naki says, running back into Aogiri's direction.

"Oh Naki..." You shake your head at him.

~9 months later~

The weeks leading up to the moment of your baby's birth were torturous. Sure Naki stayed by your side as long as he could before Eto sent him out with the White Suits now and then. You just hated that you couldn't go out and help kill the doves with him. When Miza found out the news she was extremely jealous. She didn't talk to you for a few weeks but she couldn't stay mad at you for too long so she just accepted it.

Not to mention when you got super cranky and bitched to everyone around about how hungry you were and how you were in so much pain. You had sudden crying spells that triggered Naki's as well and every time it just pissed Ayato off to no end.

He threatened to beat you and Naki up if you two didn't stop, which of course just made things worse. Eto and Tatara always had to intervene before all hell broke loose.

Now just a few moments after giving birth, you're holding your baby boy in your arms. "He's beautiful. Looks just like his momma." Eto says proudly, standing beside you. Naki is on the other side of you, sitting down on the bed. The baby stirs and slowly opens his crimson-colored eyes.

Naki notices and leans down to get a closer look. "He's got daddy's eyes! HE'S GOT DADDY'S EYES!" Naki cries out before snatching the baby from you, his nose rubbing against the baby's little one.

You sigh, too weak to yell at Naki for taking the baby. "Just shut the fuck up will ya?! We get it.. The baby has features from both parents. Can I leave now?" Ayato rolls his eyes, arms crossed.

"Yes Ayato.. But please don't be so brash if there ever comes a time where you have to babysit." Eto informs him sternly. You stare up at her with a horrified expression. "Are you crazy Eto?! I'm never letting that angsty brat lay a finger on my baby!"

"Who the hell are you calling a brat?! Wanna go Y/N?!" Ayato shouts, hands immediately balling into fists. "Ayato, knock it off. This is what Y/N is talking about. Come on, let's go." Tatara says, leading an angry Kirishima out of the room.

You kindly thank Tatara before glancing back to Naki and the baby. "He's so soft and wandiful!" Naki beams, gently twirling the baby around like he did you months ago.

"I don't think you should spin the baby around like that he's barely a newborn. Y/N-chan if there's anything you need, let me know.. And Naki it's wonderful not wandiful." Eto says before turning to exit the room.

"Thanks Eto." You yawn, closing your eyes. "Of course Y/N-chan."

"I can't wait to show you to the White Suits! We'll go out hunting and then daddy will blah blah blah..." Naki starts rambling on and on before sobbing again.

Geesh... He's worse than the actual baby! But I love him that way. You think before drifting off to a well deserved rest.

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