Baby Daddy Uta

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Uta x Fem!Reader

Small warning: this one-shot is a lime and contains strong language.

Out of character probably but that never stops me.


"Utaaaa I'm pregnant.." You yawn, snaking your arms around his neck, your chest pressing against his back.

He doesn't even move, tattooed eyes focused on a new mask he's finishing up. "That's nice babe."

"Pfft wow that's all you have to say about it? Fucking dick." You scoff, letting go of him and head to the door.

"What about my dick?" Uta growls, pinning you against the door nearly at the speed of light.

"Your dick got me pregnant." You sneer at him. "He did a good job." Uta smirks. He takes one of your hands and pats his crotch area. You just roll your eyes.

"What? Are you not happy? You know.. I'm kinda in the mood right now... How about we make twins babydoll?" Uta breathes in your ear, caressing the side of your chin with his lips. You try to push him away, biting your lip.

"Mm you can't get rid of me." Uta's hands grip your hips. "Uta please. I want to go tell Itori and Yomo." You say, giving him puppy dog eyes knowing they're his weakness.

"Ugh alright... But you owe me a little something when we get home." Uta says suggestively, causing you to sigh. He lets go of you and you turn to open the door. You whimper when Uta decides to slap your ass right when you turn.

"Really?!" You shout at him. Uta just chuckles before easing you out of his mask shop.

~Itori's bar~

As soon as you both step into the bar, Itori sniffs the air and smirks. "It smells like someone has got a bun in the oven!"

"Itori!!" You whine in embarrassment. Uta just chuckles before massaging your stomach a bit. "That's right. Y/N does."

Itori squeals in excitement before running over to you and squeezing you tightly. You smile and hug her back. "Y/N, you have to be extra careful traveling between wards now. The doves are everywhere." Yomo warns you from the other side of the bar.

"Yeah I know." You say as Itori leads you to a bar stool.
"I'm gonna watch over her." Uta tells Yomo, taking a seat beside you.

"Good. And when you can't because you're working on a new mask, I'll accompany her." Yomo smiles warmly at you. "Me too, if she really needs it!" Itori lilts, picking up a wine glass to wipe off.

"Thank you both. I really appreciate it." You say kindly. "Don't mention it! Here Y/N. One glass of fresh human blood." Itori hands you a full wine glass. You grin and take it. "Oh I wonder if the baby will have Uta's natural blond hair!" Itori muses, resting her palms on her cheeks.

"I hope so!" You giggle. Uta winks at you before slowly tracing circles onto your lower back. "Whoa okay you two. Save that for when you get home!" Itori teases you both.

"Pfft.. I'm just touching her tenderly.." Uta sticks his tongue out at her. "Aw okay, ignore me then." Itori mumbles before closing her eyes, still taking in the big news.

~9 months later~

You're lying down on your bed, Uta, Itori, Yomo and Touka are there comforting you after several hours of labor. The contractions were excruciatingly painful, but it was worth it to have the tiny creation you and Uta made in your arms.

The time leading up to this moment was spent eating all of Uta's eyeballs in his shop. Almost drinking all of Itori's inventory every time you went to her bar. Being made fun of for having a huge 'watermelon' in your stomach by Nishiki the few times you went to Re, and Yomo always having to carry you back home when you wandered off to go to Uta's shop alone since you missed him so much.

Now that was all over, you are overjoyed. Seeing that you are about to pass out from exhaustion, Itori takes the baby from you. "Well, would you look at that? She does have your hair Uta!" Itori exclaims. Uta comes closer to her and the baby. He smiles proudly, twirling a strand of the baby's blonde hair on his finger.

"I'm so glad the baby came out healthy. I wish the best of luck to you, Uta. And Y/N. Although she totally passed out as soon as you took the baby, Itori. I think that's a sign that we should leave and come back later. She needs her sleep." Touka says, gesturing to Yomo that they both leave. He nods and follows her out.

"That means you too Itori." Yomo glances back at her. "Ugh but I just got to hold her! Oh fine.. Here's your bundle of joy Uta. Take care of her! We'll be back later." Itori says warmly, giving the baby to him.

Uta smiles at all of them before kissing the baby on her forehead. When the door closes behind them, he walks to your bedside and sits. "I'm so lucky to have you both in my life." Uta says aloud, leaning down to kiss your lips softly. When he pulls away he sees a gentle smile form on your sleeping face.

I hope our little girl grows up to be just as gorgeous and courageous as her mother. He thinks, looking down at his daughter with a loving smile.

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