Baby Daddy Urie

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Kuki x Fem!Reader

Warning: mentioning of abortion and strong language.

Urie's thoughts are in (parentheses). Reader's are in italics. Out of character? Ha no. Okay maybe.


You approach the Chateau, heart flopping in your chest. Kuki has been your boyfriend for almost two years now. You've never had a pregnancy scare before but the last time you had sex it was unprotected.

You don't really know why no protection was used but you decided that it was just in the spur of the moment. Yet here you are, outside of your boyfriend's residence, ready to plummet to the ground.

You ring the doorbell, trying not to lose your composure. After a few seconds, Saiko swings open the door. "Y/N-chan! How are you?!" She squeals, jumping into your arms for a welcome hug.

You and Yonebayashi are close friends. You play video games together and snack the day away whenever you are given the opportunity to. Occasionally even blaring rap music on her radio at one in the morning, causing everyone else in the house to get all riled up. Haise always berates you both, saying you know better. He is like a dad at times.

"I'm alright Saiko! Thanks for asking.. Is Urie home?" You ask, a worried look washing over your features. Saiko notices your tone and looks up at you. "No, he is at work! But he will be home soon. Wanna come inside?" Saiko tugs on your sleeve.

You smile and follow her inside. "How come you didn't go to work today?"

"Oh you know.. Too. Lazy. Plus, I just got a new video game today and they wake up way too early!" She whines. "Um.. Wait Saiko.. I actually came here because I'm scared about something..." You gulp and stop walking, much to her dismay.

"What's up Y/N-chan?" Saiko presses, looking up at you. "Uh.. you see I might be-"

"PREGNANT?!" Yonebayashi cuts you off. If you both were outside when she obnoxiously shouted this Kuki surely would've heard it. It was that loud. "Saiko! Calm down! But yes.. I think so.."

"How come?"

"I'm expecting my period next week but I've been having bad cramps and very light bleeding..." You sigh. "Oh no... Want to go to a convenience store real quick and get a test?" Saiko suggests.

"You sure you want to go with me?"

"Yes! Come on! My video game can wait! This is serious business!" Saiko squeaks, racing to the door. You giggle at her frantic behavior before following her out.


You're in Saiko's bathroom, biting a nail as you wait for the result to show up. Suddenly, you hear a faint commotion downstairs. "I think Urie and the others are back! I'll go tell them you're here. Hang in there Y/N-chan!" Saiko says, running out of her bedroom.

"Saiko wait! Ugh.." You huff. You close your eyes for a couple of minutes, inhaling deeply. When you open them the result is as clear as day. Positive. Well shit.

Sighing, you hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Y/N are you in there?" You hear Urie's voice behind it.
"Yes. I'm coming out right now. Hold on." You say, getting up from the edge of the bathtub. You wrap up the used stick with toilet paper and chuck it into the trash can.

Timidly, you open the door. "Hi Urie.."

"Hey Y/N. Yonebayashi said you needed to talk to me? (I wonder what this is about...)" Urie looks down at you, his face unreadable.

"Yeah um.. Can we go to your room and talk?"

"Sure. (I hope she's not breaking up with me..)" He says, taking your hand in his, leading you to his room.

You can't erase the red on your face when he does this. Once you get there you both sit down on the foot of his bed. "So what's going on Y/N?"

"Urie.." You trail off biting your tongue. "Yes? (Shit shit shit she is going to do it..)" Kuki swallows hard, you can tell he's worried.

"I'm.. pregnant.." You murmur, looking down at your hands.

"Are you serious? (Fuck! What does this mean?)" Urie grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.

"Y-yes.. I just took a test.." You whisper shakily. "So what are we going to do? I'm not going to make you abort it." These words are shocking to your ears. You weren't expecting him to say this.

"Y-you're not?" You stutter. "No. I'm not that much of an asshole." He awkwardly chuckles. You just take a deep breath and exhale. "Alright.. Well I want to have the baby.. Is that okay with you?"

"That's more than okay with me. (I just hope this doesn't interfere with my career..)" Urie smiles before placing a delicate kiss to your lips.

~9 months later~

It's been a few days since you have given birth to your baby boy. He's so cute. He has dark purple hair and two moles under his left eye, identical to his father.

"He's Urie Junior!" Saiko giggles, snuggling with the baby as you rest in Kuki's bed. He hasn't let you go back to your apartment since you announced your pregnancy.

"It's too risky." Is what he always told you.

You smile at Yonebayashi before closing your eyes. The pregnancy took a huge toll on your fragile body and now you just need some sleep.

"Hey is Y/N awake?" Haise asks in a whisper, knocking on Urie's bedroom door. "No, but you can still come in. I think Urie Junior needs to spend some time with Maman."

Sasaki chuckles lightly as Urie opens the door for him. Haise then walks in with a tray of food he's made for you. Saiko drools at the sight.

"Yonebayashi, this is for Y/N when she wakes up. I'll make you something else." Sasaki says, placing the tray on the nightstand. "Can I see the baby?" Kuki asks, holding out his arms.

"Oh sure.. I guess.." Saiko pouts, wanting Maman to hold him first. "Thank you. (He is my child anyway..)" Saiko gives him the baby and Urie cradles him in his arms.

"Aww daddy Cookie!" Saiko swoons childishly, causing Urie to twitch an eye. "You know your life is going to get ten times harder from here on out Kuki.. Take care of Y/N and the baby. You have a little family now." Haise pats Urie on the shoulder.

"I will take care of them." Urie assures him. "You know.." Kuki starts but pauses, a sudden tinge of rouge paints his cheeks. "What is it daddy Cookie?" Saiko raises a brow.

"Please don't call me that... I'm going to propose to Y/N soon." Urie mutters.

"Wha?!" Saiko and Haise gape at him.

"Shh." Urie shushes them, irritated with their loudness.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Saiko chirps excitedly. "I said shh. (Geez Saiko you never shut up.)"

"I'm proud of you Urie. That's a big step. I want you to know we will support you to the end." Haise grins, turning to exit the room. "Yep!" Saiko happily agrees, following Sasaki out.

Urie smiles and looks down at his newborn. "You will be number one just like your father and grandfather. No one can tear this family apart."

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