Baby Daddy Furuta

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Nimura x Fem!Reader

Warning: Very mild lime
one-shot, strong language, violence and major spoilers if you are not caught up in TG:RE.

Is this out of character? Absolutely!
Does that mean you should not read it?
Absolutely not!

Reader's thoughts are in italics, naturally.

Kids, Furuta is an epic character so I had to make his one-shot epic. I hope you enjoy! I know I thoroughly enjoyed writing this!


With your cheek pressed against the soothing, cold tiles of your bathroom floor, you curse at yourself when you have the debilitating urge to vomit. Again.

This has been going on for a solid hour now and it is only five in the morning. Work is in four hours. After flushing the toilet, you get up weakly, the edge of the bathroom sink helping you up.

Was it something I ate?

Suddenly, you feel a huge pang in your uterus. "FUUUUUCK!" You scream aloud. You are expecting your period but something feels off.

Could I be?


Then you remember that one night spent with Nimura not too long ago.

"Submit to me." His husky voice plays back in your head. "Shit.." You breathe, gripping your lower abdomen.

You trudge back to bed, landing face first onto a pillow. You curl up into a ball before falling asleep again.

~9:00 AM~

You groan as you hit the OFF button on your pesky alarm clock. Sitting up, you feel much better than you did four hours ago. "Guess I'll go in today." You decide, getting up.

You take a quick shower, brush your teeth and get dressed. Once you lock the front door to your apartment you're on your way to work.

The chilly air feels refreshing on your face as you walk. After a few minutes you're one block away from the CCG building. You look up from the ground and spot a strange old man in a black coat walking towards you.


As he approaches, you put your guard up. "Good morning miss. Would you kindly spare a minute?"

You quickly check the time on your phone, 9:46 AM. The meeting is at ten. Still, you don't want to take any risks with this stranger. He could be a ghoul after all.

"My apologies mister but no. I'm on my way to work and don't want to be l-" You're cut off when he jerks your arm towards him. "Come on miss. It will only take a second."

"I believe this woman said no." An all too familiar voice responds.

"Rank one Nimura?" You gasp as he pulls you away from the man. The man sneers at Furuta before running away.

Do they know each other?

Furuta intertwines his fingers with yours, taking big strides forward. You struggle to keep up with him. "Now now rank one L/N. Match my pace. You don't want to be late now do you?"

"W-well no but-"

"Hurry up then."

So many questions start to bubble to the surface of your mind at that moment.

~After the meeting~

The meeting was terribly boring and in your opinion, a huge waste of time. Shuffling out of the main conference room, a dreaded sensation gurgles in the back of your throat.

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