Baby Daddy Seidou

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Takizawa x Fem!Reader

Warning: Language and angsty af.

Takizawa is 100% out of character here but I NEEDED to create a fluffy one-shot with him.

Pineapple-kun holds a very special piece of my heart.


"Y/N-chan are you okay?" Miza and Eto ask in unison. You three are running down a desolate street, returning to the Aogiri base from a small raid.

"Ah yeah I-I'm fine." You stammer, trying to catch up with them. When you get closer their eyes widen in shock.

"Y/N-chan your face is whiter than snow!" Miza cries out.

"R-really?" You stutter, pressing the back of a hand to your forehead. "Hm.."

"Well?" Eto looks at you worriedly. "I guess I am a little warm.." You murmur. Eto sighs and closes the space between you two, pressing the back of her own hand against your forehead.

"A little warm? Y/N-chan you are scorching hot." Eto says angrily.


"Who knocked you up?! If it was Naki.. I swear.." Miza grits her teeth, hands forming into fists.

"No, Miza. It wasn't Naki.."

"Who was it then? Takizawa?" Eto questions you, eyebrows in a knit.

"Uh.." You quickly look down in shame, pink cheeks restoring color to your face.

"So was it him?" Miza huffs.

"I-I can't tell you!" You blurt out.

"Why not?!" They both yell. "It's too embarrassing.."

"Please just tell us." Eto begs you. "Fine.. It was Owl Takizawa.." You sigh in defeat.

"I had a feeling it was. Come on. Let's get you back." Eto grabs one of your arms and puts it over her shoulder, giving you leverage.

Miza goes to the other side of you, holding your waist as you rest an arm over her shoulder. She may be tiny but she is mighty.

Little do you know, Takizawa and Shikorae are watching you three from above, standing on the edge of a tall hotel.

~Hours later that same night~

You're getting out of the shower when you hear something or rather someone shuffling about in your bedroom. Terrified out of your wits, you quickly cover up with a towel, grab the nearest object, (which happens to be a toilet plunger) and rush out of the bathroom ready to decapitate the evildoer.

You blink multiple times, unable to believe who is there before you.

"Surprise. You caught me." Seidou puts his hands up.

"Have you come to kill me?" You frown, throwing the plunger to the floor.

"Naw.. Unless you want me to." He snickers, walking towards you. You jump into a defensive stance, fearing his erratic behavior.

"You're not intimidating at all Y/N. Look at yourself. You're wrapped up in a towel and you came at me with a toilet plunger."

You sigh in frustration. "What do you want Takizawa?"

"You're pregnant with my child. Doesn't that disgust you?"

You just stand there, baffled by his words. After what seems like an eternity you speak up. "Disgust? Why would I be disgusted?"

Takizawa shrugs, coming dangerously close now. "Why would you want to have the burden of carrying such a hideous creature inside of you? And it to have me as the father.." He snarls.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I want to be pregnant with your child. I care deeply for you Seidou. I know you probably hate it but it's the truth." You admit, ready for him to lash out at you any second.

"Y-y.... You're hopeless Y/N." Seidou grumbles, turning around to leave.

"No! Seidou wait!"

He pays you no mind, running straight out of the room. You fall to the floor and start to sob when you hear the front door slam shut.

~After 9 months~

It's been five days since you have given birth to your healthy, baby girl. You haven't talked to Seidou since that night. You assumed he was always out mindlessly killing humans the whole time with Shikorae, like usual.

You were plagued by dark thoughts everyday for the past nine months. It took all of your strength and courage not to give up. Thankfully, Eto and Miza were with you through your worst days.

"Gah I still can't believe you fell for that heartless bastard!" Miza groans, sitting on the edge of your bed while you hold your sleeping baby in your arms.

"Neither can I." You swallow, closing your eyes. Sensing agitation in your voice, Miza stands up.

"I'll leave you to your beauty sleep. If you need me or Eto just holler. We'll be in your living room."

"Will do." You say quietly, pulling your baby closer to your chest.

An hour or so passes, and you're still awake. Too much has been racing through your mind.

"Why do I still love him?" You ask yourself aloud.

"I ask myself the same question. 'Why does she still love me?'" A deep, familiar voice rattles your ears.

You open your eyes and glance to your left to see Seidou leaning against your bedroom window. For a split second, you think your eyes are deceiving you.


"That's me." The faintest smirk forms on his lips as he makes his way towards you. He takes one good look at the newborn and freezes.

"Isn't she lovely?" You smile up at him.

"She has.. brown.. hair.." He mutters under his breath before looking to the floor. "Yeah she-" A sudden sobbing noise stops you from finishing your sentence.

"Why?! I-I can't believe you.." He spits, tears trickling down his face. You have never seen him like this before.

Gently setting the sleeping baby down, you get up and slowly walk towards Seidou. "G-get away.." He hisses, turning his back on you.

"I love you Seidou. I always will. Please don't leave again." You wrap your arms around his chest, resting your cheek on his shoulder blade.

"But why? Why do you love me?" He asks in a whisper, putting his hands over yours. "I don't know how to explain it but I want to be with you Seidou. I want you to confide in me."

"It's too late for that."

"No it's not."

Sighing at your stubbornness, he turns around to face you. "You really are an idiot." As you open your mouth to protest, he quickly grabs your face in his palms and presses his lips against yours.

Just when you're about to melt into the kiss, he pulls away. You look up at him and see his lips curve into a smile.

"I love you too Y/N."

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