-On a date with Frisk

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Aries : Enjoying how polite Frisk is.

Capricorn : Embarrassed by the cheesy couple things Frisk does, but likes it anyway.

Leo : Suggested a drinking competition. But got glared at.

Scorpio : Suggested a drinking competition, got glared at, but did it anyway bc they're badass and dgaf.

Pisces : *Insert cheesy French accent* "This baguette is simply divine :^)"

Virgo : "cAn We MaKe OuT nOw?"

Gemini : Had too much sugar. Jumping around.

Cancer : Flustered at Frisk's flirting.

Aquarius : "Wait this isn't Chara-"

Sagittarius : Bored tbh.

Taurus : Feeding Frisk like in those cheesy movies.

Libra : *Insert that spaghetti scene from that movie about a rich dog and a street dog*

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