-On a date with Flowey

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Aries : Constantly getting accidently slapped by his vines on purpose.

Capricorn : Threats everywhere.

Leo : Know how tsundere dates go in anime? Yeah imagine that except with a demonic daisy.

Scorpio : What happens when the two most demonic things get mixed together?

Pisces : Tried to pluck his petals more times than they'd like to admit.

Virgo : Still trying to understand what were they on when they agreed to go on this date.

Gemini : Still trying to understand what Flowey was on when he asked them out.

Cancer : "Champagne or Cocaine or Gasoline?"

Aquarius : *Insert some evil underground domination plan*

Sagittarius : Trying to pretend they aren't noticing all the weird stares.

Taurus : Threatened to eat him raw if he doesn't take them to a goddamn restaurant.

Libra : Probably fangirling/fanboying.

these are the only CHARActers im gonna do.
Also sorry (not sorry) for the spam but knowing how this book goes im gonna suffer more :^)
Ive been listening to 'Pop Danthology' and i dont think i ever need normal music again.

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