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In the G.U.N. office of Abraham Tower

Shadow and Rouge were sitting in front of the commander while he explains their next mission.

"We detect a Chaos Emerald in the Lost Jungle Zone." the commander said. "Your mission is to find the Emerald and bring it back to G.U.N. HQ!" "Anything else?" Rouge asked. "No, but be on your guard, there are many dangerous animals out there." the commander said. "As if an animal could stop me!" said Shadow. Rouge smirked behind Shadow and the commander said "Don't be silly, even for the ultimate lifeform they can be dangerous!" Shadow was about to say something back when Rouge interrupted him "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we get going, I want to get it over with." Shadow gave her a death glare and left the room. "Are you coming or can I wait for you until Christmas?" he asked Rouge as he was already at the exit. "Man you're impatient. 'M already there!!!" she said a little annoyed. "Hmph" Shadow said, then took her hand and said "Chaos Control."

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