Chapter 4: A day with the gang part one

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Rouge's apartment 3 a.m.

Shadow woke up half an hour ago, because his forearm felt like it's on fire again. He felt also very dizzy and a little sick. "What's wrong with me?" he wondered. "I'm the ultimate life form, I can't get sick. At least I've never been sick before." he thought. "And it should remain like that!" he said to himself, forcing his body to fall asleep again. After half an hour he fell asleep.


Rouge's apartment 7 a.m.

Rouge just woke up as her phone started ringing. "I wonder who's calling so early?" she though as she went to the phone. She passed Omega on her way, who also just got up.

"Rouge the bat here." she said.

"Hi Rouge, Sonic here, is Shadow somewhere near you?" he asked.

"No, he's probably still asleep." Rouge answered.

"I thought he's someone who gets up early?" Sonic asked Rouge.

"Actually yes, but we had a difficult mission yesterday and ... never mind." she replied.

"Whatever, I just wanted to ask him if the race still takes place today." he informed her.

"I guess so." Rouge said.

"Cool! ... Oh, the others and I are going to make a picnic before the race. You two can come too, if you want." he said.

"That's fine by me. And Shadow will come too, whether he likes it or not." Rouge replied.

"Cool! See you at 11 a.m. at the beach!" said Sonic.

"Okay, bye!" Rouge said and hung up.

She walked back to Shadow's room and to her surprise he was still asleep. She smiled at him and closed the door again. "I BRING THE CHAOS EMERALD BACK TO G.U.N. HQ" Omega said and Rouge nodded. Then she went into the kitchen and began making pancakes while Omega left the house. "I hope Shadow is okay." Rouge thought.


Rouge's apartment 8 a.m.

Shadow woke up with the smell of pancakes in the air. "I guess Rouge makes breakfast." Shadow thought. He sat up but he quickly lay back again with his uninjured hand on his head. Shadow's head was spinning but after two minutes his dizziness was gone and he sat up again. "That was weird." Shadow thought, while walking to the door. He went into the kitchen as Rouge just finished cooking. "Good morning sleepyhead. How are you?" she asked as she put the pancakes on the table. "Hmph, I'm fine." Shadow replied, what was actually a lie. "If you say so. Want some pancakes?" Rouge asked. "With pleasure." he answered. "By the way, Sonic called an hour ago." She said. "What did he want?" Shadow asked. "He just wanted to know if the race still takes place today." Rouge replied and Shadow asked "Why shouldn't it take place today?" "How should I know? Aaaaand he invited us to a picnic at the beach. Which means that you'll go too." she informed Shadow, who only rolled his eyes and said "Since I have no other choice," he glanced at Rouge "I'll come with you." "I bet you'll have fun." Rouge said with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, right." Shadow said with sarcasm in his voice as somebody came into the house.

Omega came into the kitchen and said "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED AND I SHOULD TELL YOU THAT YOU HAVE NO NEW MISSION TODAY." "Okay, thanks Omega and could you wash the dishes while I get ready for the picnic?" Rouge asked friendly. "Why can't Shadow do it?" Omega asked annoyed. "Because he's injured and his bandages shouldn't get wet, especially not with dirty water." she hissed at the robot. "As I said before, I'm fine. I don't need your pity." Shadow said a little annoyed. "Whatever. Omega, wash the dishes! And Shadow, get ready for the picnic!" Rouge commanded. "Fine!" both said at the same time.


Tails' workshop 9 a.m.

Tails was working on a machine when suddenly his door was destroyed. "Woah!!!" said Tails frightened. "Ups. I probably forgot to stop." Sonic said with a smirk on his face. "Sonic!!!" Tails said angrily. "That was the fifth door you've ruined." he hissed. "Tails calm down, everyone needs a new door in a year." he explained. "That was the fifth door in this month." Tails said even angrier. "Sorry ... again." Sonic apologized. "What do you need?" Tails asked now a bit friendlier. "I just wanted to tell you that Rouge and Shadow are coming too." he said. "Okay. Who comes actually? " Tails asked. "Let's see ... You, me, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, Tikal, Blaze, Silver, Rouge and Shadow. Did I leave anyone out?" Sonic asked. "No, I think it were all." Tails replied. "Okay then see you in two hours." Sonic said already leaving. "See you later." Tails shouted after him.


Rouge's apartment 10:55 a.m.

"Come on Shadow, we have to go." Rouge yelled as she was waiting in the living room. She wore a black bikini and short black pants. Shadow was asleep and didn't hear Rouge. "Why does he need that long?" Rouge asked herself while going to Shadow's room. "Shadow the Hedgehog," Rouge said as she opened the door. "I'm not waiting for you any longer. Oh ... now I know why you didn't replied." she said as she saw Shadow asleep. Rouge went up to him and sat down beside him. "Hey Shadow, wake up. We have to go." Rouge said softly as she shook him gently. Shadow woke up and saw Rouge beside him. "Wha ... Sorry! I must have fallen asleep." Shadow said as he sat up. "It's okay, but we should hurry now. It's already five past eleven." Rouge said and took Shadow's hand and he said "Chaos Control!"

In a tree in front of Shadow's window

"Rapidus, report please." someone said. "They're heading to the beach. And he already gets weaker." Rapidus replied. "Perfect." the unknown guy said with an evil laugh.

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