Chapter 8: Recovering part two

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In Tails' living room 1:25 p.m.

"Shadow?" Rouge asked worried. Don't worry, he's just unconscious. ... It's probably better that way." Tails said. "Yes, I think you're right." Rouge replied and took Shadow's hand again. Tails finished to sew the wound and took new bandages. He gave a bit alcohol on it and started to wrap it around Shadow's forearm. "I wonder why this lizard-like guy know Shadow's name." Rouge said as she thought about their mission. "Perhaps they have met before." Tails replied. "I don't think so, because Shadow didn't know him." Rouge replied. "We should change the bandage on his torso too." Tails said as he was finished with Shadow's forearm. "Yeah." Rouge said. "Could you throw the bandages away?" Tails asked after he took the bandage from Shadow's torso off. "Sure." Rouge replied. "And also look what Sonic and Amy are doing." Tails said and Rouge nodded.

Rouge flew to the kitchen and opened the door quietly. She saw that Sonic and Amy were kissing and took her cell phone out from her pocket. Rouge made a photo and gave her cell phone back. She went quietly into the room and said "Well, well, well! ... Look who's finally together." Sonic and Amy stopped kissing and turned to Rouge. "What? ... We aren't together." Amy said. "Oh really? ... Then why did you kiss each other?" Rogue asked smiling. "Uhhhhh ... We ... That was an accident." Sonic said nervously and Rouge began to laugh. "Yeah, right. As if I would believe that. You two are already as red as Knuckles." Rouge said. "Fine! ... We're together. Are you happy now?" Sonic asked angrily. "Yeah, I'm happy now." Rouge replied. "But you have to promise to don't tell anyone." Amy commanded. "Yeah, yeah. I promise it." Rouge said and though "But I'm going to tell Shadow about you two."

Rouge threw the bandages into the dustbin and went back into the living room. Tails just finished and gave the first-aid kit away. "And what did the two do?" Tails asked. "Nothing." Rouge replied and started to grin again. "... Okay. Can you help me to put him on the couch?" Tails asked and Rouge nodded.


In Tails' kitchen 1:45 p.m.

"Next time we kiss we'll lock the door." Sonic said. "Yes and when no flying bats are near us." Amy replied. "I think we can go back into the living room now." Sonic said. "Yes. And when not Shadow will kill you." Amy said. "Before that'll happen he have to catch me and he also have to pass you first." Sonic replied. "As if I would allow somebody to kill my Sonic." Amy said. "Then let's go." Sonic replied.


In Tails' living room 1:50 p.m.

"I guess you'll stay here until tomorrow." Tails said. "Yes, but only if it's okay with you and only as long until you know what attacked Shadow." Rouge replied. "That's fine for me. If you need anything, I'm in my lab and tell Sonic that he should make the guest room ready." Tails said and Rouge nodded.

Tails left and Sonic and Amy came into the room. "Hey Sonic, you should make the guest room ready." Rouge said. "Oh man, do I have to?" Sonic asked annoyed. "Yes, you have to." Rouge replied. "I will help you Sonic." Amy said and took his hand. "But don't start kissing agein." Rouge said. "Yeah, yeah." Sonic replied annoyed. After they walked out of the living room Rouge took Shadows hand again. Fifteen minutes later Sonic and Amy got back into the living room. "The room's ready." Amy informed and looked at Rouge. "Thanks! Can anyone help me to carry Shadow into the guest room?" Rouge asked. "Sure, but only if you promise me that Shadow will not hit me in the face again." Sonic replied. "I can't promise anything and if he should hit you again it's not my problem." Rouge said. "I will help you." Amy said and walked to Rouge. "Thanks." Rouge replied. Rouge and Amy carried Shadow into the guest room. The room had two beds and a window. "Thanks again. ... I hope he'll wake up soon." Rouge said a bit worried. "I'm sure he's fine Rouge. He only has to recover." Amy replied. "Yeah he's going to be all right." Rouge said with a small smile on her face and they left the room.


In Tails' lab 3 p.m.

"Did you already find out what animal it was?" Sonic asked. "I have to wait for the test results. They should be finished any minute." Tails replied and looked at his computer again. A few minutes later the test results were finished and Tails printed them out. "And here they are." Tails said and began to read. "Aaaaand?" Sonic asked impatient. "The outcomes after Shadow was bitten by a Heloderma." Tails replied. "What's a Heloderma?" Sonic asked and Tails took a lexicon. "Let's see. ... A Heloderma is a poisonous lizard. Symptoms of the bite include severe pain, swelling, vomiting, wound infections, fever and hallucinations." Tails explained. "Yes, yes, no, yes, yes and maybe. I think we have the answer to our question. Print it out so that we can show it to the girls later." Sonic said and Tails did what he said.


In the meantime in Tails' living room 3:55 p.m.

Rouge and Amy were sitting on the couch and were watching TV until Amy asked "What's going on with you and Shadow?" "What do you mean by that?" Rouge asked. "You are a person who only cares about herself but you always worry about Shadow. And Shadow always protect you and also listen to you, and he normally listen to nobody." Amy replied. Rouge began to blush and was thinking about an excuse as Tails and Sonic came into the living room. "We know what has bitten Shadow." Sonic said and sat down beside Amy and Tails told them what he found out. "But in a few days he will be okay." Tails said and Rouge wanted to say something back but was interrupted from a noise from the guest room and she asked "What was that?"

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