Part one:who is she ?!!

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{this will be in two parts the other will be uploaded on next Wednesday okay so don't be mad at me when you don't see today}
∆Warning:will be very short also will be cursing ALOT∆
*Wakes up and looks for Aaliyah*"Aaliyah where are you"("I'm right here in your head""okay well I'm going to the bathroom""eww gross I'm out of here"*Aaliyah transformed into human form*"well that was rude""I'm not going to be in your head while you do your biz that's gross besides I have to tell hunter something important""what is it I have to tell him about my sexuality"(if you don't like gay people then don't read this chapter or book because I will mention it in the future also don't spread hate or send it to me or anyone you don't like me for me don't read my books)"really wait I don't even know your sexuality""well I'm bisexual and Genderfluid"(if you don't know what that means then read this but if you do know what that means then skip this and move on.Genderfluid:means I don't have a gender I'm not male or female I'm in between the two I dress depending on how I feel on certain days and I have pronouns my pronouns are THEY/THEM please use my pronouns.Bisexual: means I like both males and females but I do like people who don't identity as a certain gender.hopefully that helped you understand.) "don't worry he will still like you""I hope so""well I'm going to take a shower""I'm leaving to tell him bye"
Aaliyah's P.O.V
*teleports to jeydon's bedroom*"hey Aaliyah"hey jey where is hunter""ummm""well where is he""I'm not going to lie to you so he is down stairs""okay but why would you have to lie to me""here come with me and see for yourself"*me and jeydon walk down the stairs**we see a girl all over hunter and then she kisses him*"WTF HUNTER who is she"*I say with anger and tears in my eyes"I........"

Well this was part one hoped you didn't get triggered at all by this well I'm tired so night

MKay byeeeeeeeeeee

Jeydon Wale  (Love Story)(Parker Wale*)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora