Dead phone

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I was talking to (bf) (best friend just in case you didn't know) on the phone "hey guess what!" "What?" " I'm going to warped tour!"  "Really cool!" "Guess who I'm gonna meet!" "Hmmm I don't know... Kyle!" "Ya how did you know" "(yn) your obsessed with him!" "I know" " but hey (yn) don't get your hopes up I mean it will be great meeting him but he won't remember you you'll just be another face you'll always just be a fan girl" those words running through my head just a fan girl but it's true it's all I'll ever be. "Hey gotta go have to wake up early!" "Ok bye good night (yn)" "night". I hung up the phone and slipped into bed tomorrow will be a busy day and I'm so excited!

Time skip to morning
I woke up with a jolt "warped tour!!!" I screamed while dancing around my room. I got ready I put on the outfit I have been saving for today! It's my favourite shirt and pants so I hope Kyle like them. I did my makeup and hair and off I went. I grabbed some food to take with me for the drive. "Mom I'm ready!" "Coming!" My mom rushed down the stairs and we got to the car. We sat in silence because we are both tired. I look out the window just thinking what if I mess up, what if I can't talk, what if I start crying, what if he doesn't like me! "(Yn) stop worrying you'll be fine" "how did you know I was worrying?" " your my daughter". We finally got there and it was great I checked Twitter to see what time his meet up was at, 2:00 great 4 hole hours. As I waited I watched some bands and met a new friend Olivia and we live close to each other! She had brown eyes purple hair freckles that were sprinkled on her nose a checks. We hung out for the hole 4 hours "hey I'm going to go in line for Kyle's meet up" "ok I will come". We were the fifth people in line! Kyle pulled out his phone to snapchat and took a video of the people in line and I waved at the camera! The line felt like forever even though we are the fifth people in line. Finally it was my turn and my heart was beating out of my chest! "Hi" "hey" I tried to say without stuttering. He gave me a hug and I died inside my hole body was fan girling. " hey I'll take a picture for you" Olivia said "thanks" I handed her my phone "hey (yn) it looks like your phone is dead" "great" that's when Kyle said " we can take it on my phone and I can send it to you" "really!" I said with excitement! Olivia took a picture and handed his phone back "hey my email isn't working can I iMessage you?" "Umm ya of course!" I put my number in his phone" " bye and thank you Kyle!" "Bye and no problem... Sorry I didn't catch your name" "(yn)" "bye (yn)" I waved my hand and walked away "omg!!!" Olivia handed me my phone and I got a message from Kyle it was the picture I'm assuming I didn't want to open it because he would see that I read it and lied. "My phone isn't dead" "ya but who got Kyle's number!" "Omg your right!"

Kyle's p.o.v
My email dose work I just wanted her number, she's really pretty and nice and I want to hang out with her after tour!

***************************hope you liked it I will update asap!

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