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I just want to say sorry for not updating the story my phone broke and I had to get it fixed and I don't have a computer at my moms and when I got my phone back I was being lazy and forgot my schedule! But for the New Years I will be back on schedule which is every second Friday!

I woke up to have Kyle shaking me awake "wake up (yn) its Christmas! ( if you don't celebrate Christmas change it to a holiday you celebrate) "Kyle it's 5:00 in the morning!" "(YN)! WE HAVE TO SEE IF SANTA CAME!!" "Kyle are you being serious right now" I said as I rolled back over to fall asleep " wake up please" I look up to see Kyle giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fineee" I said rolling my eyes. I followed him to the living room to see the tree with a couple presents under the tree "wait Kyle il be back I said" I ran up to our room and got the presents I wrapped for him. "ok let's start opening presents. Kyle got me some pjs and a two gift cards (two gift cards you want) and he got me a Dora colouring book. I got him a new shirt a beanie and I got us both plain tickets to go to Hawaii! "(Yn) I have one last gift for you" he pulled a little black box out of his pocket and went down on one knee (yn) I know we have only known each other for one year but I love you and I never want to lose you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so (yn) (your last name) will you marry me... please?" " of course I love you so much!" I started to cry this is definitely the best Christmas ever and I will never forget this day! The rest of the day we watched movies then went out to a restaurant. It was a great, no, absolutely amazing Christmas!

Just a fan girl (Kyle David hall x reader)Where stories live. Discover now