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We were making plans for the wedding we had to go out and choose a cake. We went out to this nice place in the city that had decorative cakes "hello how may I help you" "hi we made an appointment to test and choose a wedding cake!" "Oh congratulations you two you guys look so adorable together, il go get Rebecca il be right back" me and Kyle looked at each other smiling. We followed this woman to a room with 5 different pans of cake "hi I'm Rebecca and I will help you choose your wedding cake!, first we have two classics chocolate and vanilla" we each took a pice of the different cakes "next we have a fruit cake and butter cream" we tried those two "the last one is a zebra cake with dark chocolate and vanilla" and we tried those. The cakes were all delicious so now it was time for me and Kyle to make a decision "I like (cake flavour)" then Kyle said "well I like (cf)" then Rebecca smiled "well we can make half the cake (cf) and the other half (cf) "really!" "Ya but it will be an extra $200" "that's fine" Kyle said and smiled. Next we had to choose what we wanted the cake to look like. She brought out this big book and we started to flip through. I felt like I was the only one looking I looked up to see Kyle looking into Rebecca's eyes I got up and said "I ughhh have to go to the washroom" I left and went into the wash room and wiped my watering eyes but the I thought boys do this he still loves me right? We wouldn't be paying so much if he didn't want to go through with the wedding right? I went back and I saw Kyle give the girl his number at this point I was angry I was furious I just sat down and picked a random cake design cuz at this point I don't care she wrote down our order and told us it will be ready for the wedding. The hole drive home was silent and when we got home we didn't even talk to each other. I started to prepare dinner when Kyle came up beside me "why are you so angry at me! "why did you give that girl your number?" " oh, well I was thinking if our relationship doesn't work out I can call her" "you don't think our relationship will work?" "well I don't know it's just I think the relationship is too perfect and your so perfect and perfect people like you don't last in a guys life like mine you are way to good for me" I started to cry not happy tears sad tears I ran off to the bedroom. "(YN)!" I cried I didn't understand why didn't he think our relationship would last I'm not perfect I'm far from perfect. I couldn't take it anymore I grabbed a bag and packed some things I just need a small break. That night me and Kyle didn't cuddle he didn't say goodnight beautiful like he used to he didn't kiss me he just fell asleep. I got up grabbed my bag and ran...

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