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It was an average day I was waking up and I got a message from an old friend I haven't seen in about a year. I got a text from her "hey I'm in town want to hang out!" "Ya sure" I got ready and waited for my friend to knock on the door. She was half an hour late and she finally knocked on the door "hey (friend you haven't seen in a while) "hi (yn)" "why were you so late?" "Traffic" "so what do you want to do?" "I don't know what do you want to do?" "How about go to the park!". As we walked to the park we caught up with each other about everything that happened in the last year. I told her about Kyle and showed her pictures "omg you and Kyle are goals!". As we reached the park (fn) noticed something "hey (yn) isn't that Kyle on the swings" I looked over to see Kyle on the swing laughing and swinging with some other girl and I didn't want to seem like an over protective girlfriend it's just I'm kinda confused. As I got closer I waved and he looked at me and ignored me an that really hurt. "What a dick" (fn) said. We sat on the play structure "look at her (yn) beautiful brown hair and brown eyes she looks like a model you have no chance of winning him back" "thanks for lowering my self esteem" I walked away hurt and confused were they just friends or is he actually cheating and right in front of me too! As I look back I see Kyle hand her a present an I just ran and didn't look back. I ran to me and Kyle's favourite spot, the field he took us to. I sat in a ball and cried. I suddenly heard Kyle yell my name. "(Yn) what's wrong!" "Kyle are you cheating on me?" " oh my gosh no! Did you think I was cheating on you with that girl at the park" I slowly nod my head "(yn) she's my cousin!" "I feel so stupid now and you probably think I'm an overly protective girlfriend" "no,no I don't I would never cheat on you because I know how hard that is" "why did you ignore me and give her a present" "I didn't mean to ignore you I mean I should have waved back I'm sorry and I gave her her Christmas present because I didn't see her last Christmas" "oh I'm so stupid" I said wiping my tears that's when he grabbed my hand pulled me up and hugged me "(yn) I love you so much" "I love you too!" Kyle's cousin and and (fn) were squealing "hi (yn) I'm Kyle's cousin Ashly he told me all about you" " hi Kyle I'm (yn) friend (yf) and (yn) told me all about you" we all laughed and went home . ***************************My anxiety is getting worse and I'm having some family issues so if I don't update In a while I'm sorry im trying my best and once again thank you for everyone that reads this story it means a lot!

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