Break Down In The Ally Way

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Blaze's POV~

We were all on the train to Ponyville, Willow and Silver Mist were having staring contests and writting stories for each other to read an keep. I was just looking out the window thinking about what Celestia ment, who is the 5th element? Where can we find them? Almost 2 dozen questions rambled in my head, I just couldn't get my mind off things. Gale was sitting in the darkest corner of the train reading several dozen news papers from different cities in Eqestria. "YOU BLINKED!" Silver Mist shouted as she won the staring contest. Gale flinched as she said this and let go of her news paper, watching it as it flew out the train window. "Well..... there that went" she said as she reached to get a new one.
She stopped and looked at me as I was watching her. I'm the type of pony who just watches alot, she raised her eyebrow at me as if questioning why I was looking at her.

"What?" She asked. "Huh- what? Oh nothing" I said as I stared back out the window. "What's on your mind Red?" Gale asked as she sat down on the seat next to me. I groaned in disgust "Don't call me that..... that's a lie for a name" I said. Gale laughed as she said "Ok! I wont!" She stopped to catch her breath as silence fell for a long time. "So what is on your mind Blaze?" She broke the silence. "I'm just thinking about who the 5th element could be and where to find them. That's all" I told her as she was paying 100% attention. "Blaze, you don't have to worry about that, if we're ever gonna solve that question, we need to solve it together " That one word stuck with me like glue the rest of the trip. Gale went back to newspapers and Willow and Silver Mist were playing cards.

Willow's POV~

Silver Mist and I put our card game back up as the train came to a slow stop. We all made our exit off the train only to come into what was once a busy town by the name of Ponyville. "Umm......... where is everyone?" I asked due to nopony being out even. "I don't-" Blaze was stopped by a tumble weed passing by. Blaze smiled in amusement at this then cleared her throat and back to serious. "I don't know, but whatever the cause, it can't be good." She said as she started trotting towards the center of the town. "We should probably ask somepony why no one is out." Just as Silver Mist said this, a blood curdling scream near us. "This way!" I yelled as I ran to the nearest alleyway. As I turned the corner and came to an abrupt stop, we found ourselves at a dead end. "The must be on the other side!" Gale said. "Lucky me, I have wings so I can go beat up the bad guy!" "Oh no you dont, we're all in this together " Blaze said as her horn lit up. She had teleported us to the other side. Once there, the first thing we saw was a mare stealing magic from a half-grown mare. "Stop what your doing!" Silver Mist said as she took a few steps forward to the mare. "I'd stay where you are if I were you." The soar sounding voice said. "For I am a bit more powerful than you think, Elements" she turned her head to use as she dropped her magic from the mare. I felt sickened at this for some odd reason, Gale started shaking, Blaze gawked at this as I don't belive this affected her. But Silver Mist was a different story...... she fell to the ground covering her ears, crying and screaming in what appeared to be in a different language. The mysterious mare started laughing like crazy and clapping her hooves together. "Over here!" Someone yelled and the mare quickly got to her hooves and vanished in mere seconds.

5 hours later

Silver Mist's POV~

     My head hurt, my voice hurt, my eyes burned. Everything hurt. After the ally way situation, we were taken to Princess Twilight, she was wanting to know what happened, but once it got down to the part where we all had our fits, I supposedly had the most interesting break down. They said I was screaming in a different language, but I wasn't, I was speaking full Eqestrian. But the only thing was..... I knew  that mare. Like a past life, her name was at the tip of my tounge but I couldn't place it. I'll ed over this after I had gone to bed in one if the (many) spare bedrooms in Princess Twilight's castle. Until it hit me.  "Malvada!"

Authers note- I got inspiration really soon even though I was like "I probably won't update anytime soon" but imagine me sitting in my room, reading Fallout: Eqestria, and then BAM inspiration hit me in the face with a frying pan! (No not literally)

Anyhow, who is your favorite charector? Blaze (my fav as you could probably tell) Silver Mist, Willow, Gale, Malvada, Or.............. Silver Star......... post your favorite charector in the comments!

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