Rise and Fall of All

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Gale's POV~

As Blaze, Willow, and I, all signed the release papers for Silver Mist, I was thinking of how we were going to get our acts together and save Eqestria...... I mean, Silver is basicly broken, Malvada is like her twin or something, Blaze still has an attitude and I..... well I don't know what's wrong with me, there are probably multiple things wrong, and Willow has her..... issues.... but as we waited, I stared at the clock, it felt like centuries, but It was only five (5) minutes until we saw Silver Mist. "Hey Silver! How are you doing? Did ya have fun in prison?" Willow asked. "Prison is not fun Willow! Imagine being trapped in a room, only getting one (1) meal a day! Not to mention the cell mate you have who could murder you at any given second." Silver screamed with tears running down her face. "It's ok Silver...." I said as I put my hoof over her shoulders. "Do you know what Malvada's plan is after she deletes all of Eqestria's cities?" "She's headed for The Crystal Empire right now.... she's going to destroy the Crystal Heart to regain her full power, once that happens I will no longer exist" Silver Mist had a worried look in her eyes. "Blaze, we need to get the Crystal Empire ASAP!" I said as we all realized that Malvada could be waiting for us, or hasn't gotten there yet. "Take my hoof, we're going to teleport, we won't do any good if we take a two-hour train ride." Blaze held out her hoof, we all took hold if it as she teleported us to the Crystal Empire.

~♡♤Crystal Empire♡♤~

Silver Mist'sPOV~

As we appeared in the Crystal Empire (not IN the Empire, but more outside it) and all we could see was snow swirling around furiously. "Snowstorm..." I said under my breath. "What's happening?" Willow yelled, due to the wind, we couldn't hear very well. "It's seems to be a Snowstorm, but I don't know how that possible seeing as this would only happen if..." Blaze's voice trailed off as we heard an echoing sound, and I could feel life drain out of me quite quickly. I had dropped to the ground dead.

Death, my death, felt painless.....

I had awoken, I could see my friends, all laying on the ground....

"How long had I been out for?"
Was my real question. I heard a voice come out of my mouth, but this voice wasn't my voice.... "Now, Eqestria will fall! Celestia has goon to SadleArabia, Along with Luna, Princess Twilight is useless without her mentor, and Cadence..... Cadence can't possibly save Anypony without her crystal heart!" I laughed maniacally. I kept wanting to say something, but it was no use, I remembered that when Mal gained full strength, I would become a part of her... well my soul anyways, my body would decompose like any normal dead body. But that's when it happened, when Malvada's plans came spiraling down, that's when we were safe once more.

~♡♤Crystal Empire♡♤~

Gale's POV~

(Thirty (30) Minutes Ago)

We all saw Silver Mist drop, I ran over to her to check a pulse, a pulse of wich was getting slower, her body was getting colder..... "We need to get to the Empire!" I yelled. "Go on ahead, I'll see if I can die down the wind!" I tried to get the wind to calm down while Blaze and Willow ran to get to the Empire, the wind did die down just a tiny bit, not much though. Blaze sent a signal saying that they had gotten to the Empire, I flew over as fast as I could, but the Empire didn't look any different from the outside. "Where's the Crystal Heart?" I yelled "I don't know, Malvada might have already destroyed it!" Blaze said looking at our surroundings. "Right you are!" We all slowly turned our heads to the North to see Malvada, with Silver Mist's eyes, Blaze shot a spell wich Malvada had dodged.

"What did you do to Silver Mist!" "I didn't do anything dear Gale, what happend.... well it happend and that's all there is to it!" Malvada said. "She is a part of me, a part of my soul, now that we are bound just like fate has decided, we will never be taken apart ever again!" She laughed maniacally. "You wit get away this this you monster!" Willow comanded vines to come out of the ground and spiral around Malvada's legs, but she just simply used a spell to destroy them. "You powers are really weak...." Malvada said as she looked into the sky. "Willow, Gale move!" Blaze yelled and we moved we ran to opposite sides and Blaze set fire to the entire Empire! I used my wind element to knock Malvada over but it put the fire out, Willow tried to grow strong moss over Malvada's body so she wouldn't move around. But we were easily out witted. Malvada's eyes went red and she used a powerful spell to keep us still, or knocked out. We could still see and hear what was going on. "It seems that you have forgotten about your fith (5th) element, ponies! I'm the only one who even knew the answer to your situation, in fact, it was the very reason why I blew up that prison! So in case you figured it out, you wouldn't know where to find the pony. Now, Eqestria will fall! Celestia has goon to SadleArabia, Along with Luna, Princess Twilight is useless without her mentor, and Cadence..... Cadence can't possibly save Anypony without her crystal heart!" Malvada said followed by another maniacal laughter.

"You really think blowing up the prison would keep me from following you and your plans!? You're too oblivious to even consider somepony was following you!" Malvada slowly turned her head around in fear, only to be met with a spell that broke one of her wings. She yelled in agony. "I did things in the past that were wrong, you are doing something that is wrong too! How will you live on knowing that you have destroyed something that is precious to the Crystal Ponies!" There was a mare, she had confronted Malvada, is she the fith element? No... "You'll pay for what you just did little filly!" Malvada started running towards the pomy, ready to cast a spell. When she did, the mare blocked it with a sheild. "But how?! It took me ages to get the grasp the concept of that spell! How in Eqestria did you manage that!?" Malvada was angry, she cast another spell, and another one, reapeadidly she cast spells, all of wich the mare blocked. "I could do this forever" the mare said with a sound of boredom in her voice. "No we won't!" Malvada then teleported behind the mare and cast a powerful spell to stun her. "Once I start to take out the most important ponies, your the very last one on my list! You get to watch as I tourcher Princess Celestia and Luna to their deaths, you'll watch as I being pain to Cadence and Twilight, you will watch every drop of blood that comes spewing out of the elements once I take my sword and cut their throats! You will watch all these ponies suffer!" Malvada had gone completely insane, her eyes were no glowing red. "Now, let's start with the elements, shall we?" She asked. "NO! PLEASE! I BEG YOUR MERCY, DON'T KILL HER! Don't kill Blaze! She's the only thing I have left!" The mare was pleading for Blaze's life to be saved, Blaze was the only something she had left. "Not likely!" And with that, Malvada made a sword come out of thin air, she was walking towards us as we layed on the ground, unable to move.

"Who is the fith element?" This question has boggled all of our minds sine we heard the news about a 5th element. We've all been stressed over finding them, but it's the very thing that connects ponies and friends, we all lost our love for each other as we argued and bickered. We all know, who the Fith Element is, and we know what it is. "Since little mare over there decided to plead for Blaze's life, I gusse we'll kill her first, make her watch Blaze's pain." Malvada stepped closer to Blaze, Blaze looked up with fear in her eyes. As the sword came down, the mare teleported in front of Blaze, the sword went through her chest. "I won't let you kill her...." and with that, Silver Star stunned Malvada and dropped to the ground, bleeding to death. "Silver Star..... she saved you... Blaze" I said as I looked over at Blaze. But she didn't respond, she was starring at her nearly dead sister. "Star... why?" Blaze had started crying. Malvada got up, she looked like a harmless filly, waiting for her mommy to wake up. "Blaze, is that-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence when she realized that she was grieving the near-death of her sister.
Malvada no longer was in charge of the body she and Silver Mist shared.

Blaze was holding her sister, Silver Star, begging her to not die, Willow sat right next to Blaze, I sat next to Silver Star, and Silver Mist stood a few feet away from all of us. "I'm sorry Blaze, but you're too important to me, I couldn't watch her kill you, I love you too much..." were Silver's words.

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