The City That Crumbled

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Blaze's POV~

   It was the next morning, we were just minding our own business eating pancakes. When Spike (Princess Twilight's dragon friend) burped a message out of his mouth? I'm not exactly sure what to call it but when Twilight read it here eyes widened as she passed it to me, it read

            "Blaze, The magic thief is in Clouds Dale! Please hurry and get there, we don't have much time before it crumbles"

And that's all it said..... "We need to get to CloudsDale! Malvada is there" I said as I was about to teleport us there when Willow brought up the fact that neither she or I had wings. "I have a spell that could help! You can walk on clouds for 3 days" Princess Twilight said as we all agreed it was the most simple thing we could do. She cast the spell as we didn't really feel any different. "Um... Blaze we should go now" Gale sounded worried. "Oh right!" I teleported all four of us to CloudsDale. Things were already going down, buildings, the WonderBolts Academy, even the weather factory! "I'm sorry guys but I have to go and find my family and other friends! I'll meet you back here when this is all over!" Gale yelled as she flew to Celestia who knows where. "Come on! We need to find her!" I said, but it wasn't too long before we found her. Walking around in plain site, stealing all the pegasi magic as each one flew by. "Stop right there!" Willow tackled her by surprise but then she teleported away onto the other side of the street. "Guys..... I think....." We both looked as Silver Mist fell over the edge of the city. "Goodbye" plummeting to her doom I was torn between going after Mal, or saving my friend who could fly.

A colum almost killed me but I jumped off the edge of CloudsDale just as it hut the cloud ground and through it. Why did I have wings? I shouldn't have wings. As I flew as fast as I could, I used my magic to grab my friend and I, nearly to the ground, time seemed to slow don't and an erie silence over came me. I almost forgot we were falling. I then snapped back into reality as we were literally on the ground but Silver Mist had woken up again and sent a stunning spell over us, we sat there in her magic as she landed us gently onto the ground. "Well that was fun..." I said sarcastically. "We need to get back to CloudsDale and help everyone there! It'll crumble anyways, we could at least save ponies" I said as I motioned for her to take my hoof so we could teleport back. "Um... Blaze.... I can't do this, I can't continue this mission without falling into panic attacks or breakdowns every time we come to lock Malvada in chains." She said. "I'll just go now... maybe I'll have a short vacation and send you guys some post cards" she turned and walked away. "Fine, be a coward and walk away! Celestia said we needed to do this together!" I said as I looked her way in pitty. "Go back and save CloudsDale!" She yelled teleporting away to who know where.

   Willow's POV~

I ran after Malvada, being an earth pony sure has its down sides. But once she turned a corner, I had her, because we had just been there moments earlier. But she wasn't there when I turned the corner. "Where the hay did she go!?" I thought. Then a shadow over cast me. I looked up, and it was her.... she had wings not only is she a unicorn.... but she has WINGS. I literally thought "Well what do you know, that mare is an alicorn!" Then she dissapeared out of sight. I then realized I could be a much bigger help if I went around and helped ponies escape their homes. So that's what I did. I had only helped my first pony out when Blaze came galloping up to me. She was panting. "Where... is she?" Blaze looked around in confusion. "I thought.... you went after her!" She was mad so I pretended I didn't hear her. "Look! It's Gale!" I said pointing up. She had a worried look on her face. No, not a worried look, she was crying! "We need to go now! They're all gone! We can't save the city!" Gale was hurt, not physically, but emotionally. "She's right Blaze, we can't save CloudsDale" the clouds/ground started shaking, and then, just like an earthquake, the ground started to fall apart. Blaze had teleported us a few miles on the ground away from the city. "Where's Silver Mist....." I asked realizing we didn't have her with us. "She um... she quit.... I couldn't stop her..." Blaze was walking towards the train station. "Come on girls we need to go back to Canterlot.... I have some business I need to attend to....." "Blaze are you feelin alright?" I put a hoof on her shoulder "Yes I'm perfectly fine!" She yelled. There was a long silence.

  Blaze's POV~

I had just yelled at my friend..... "I'm sorry" "It's ok Blaze...." Willow is really the most forgiving pony anyone could ask for. "I can't figure out who the fith element is, I can't figure out why Silver Mist has break downs every time we see Malvada, I am just out of ideas! I give up on this worthless mission!" I ran into the train station to get tickets to Canterlot. Then I boarded the train and waited in an empty car.


Elements: The Lost ElementHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin