The Necklaces

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Gale's POV~

"Dear Diary,

We're all falling apart, Silver Mist has gone to the dark side, I've become mindless, Willow is starting to..... break the 4th wall? I'm not so sure what's up with her, but something definitely is up with her, and Blaze is burning out.... she's becoming "embers" if we are to speak of her Element. Not literally, she's just super stressed. We are already a week into this stupid mystery and we still have no clue whatsoever on who the fith element is! This is starting to tick me off, Celestia should have given us a small clue, seeing as she can have visions from the future. But NO. She leaves us with NOTHING. As for what we have done with Silver Mist, we've put her in Askaban, of course after we fixed the walls before we put her in there.
Siging out


As I closed the Diary, I noticed that all of our necklaces were on a vanity, but the thing is, all of them were glowing grey-ish. "Os it because we're all falling apart?" I went down stairs to see if anyone would want to listen to me.(we've all been ignoring each other for 4 days straight) It didn't surprise me much when I saw Blaze surrounded by books, and Willow in the backyard meditating. "Blaze, we need to talk" "There's nothing to talk about Gale, I swear to Celestia if you ask me if there's any luck on finding clues, I will smack you to the moon!" Blaze snapped. "OUR NECKLACES ARE TURNING GREY AND IF WE DON'T FIX THIS WE COULD BE DEAD!" I was exaggerating, of course, but that did shut her up and make her think. Though I'm pretty sure it made her think too much because she went straight to Canterlot Library looking for a soulution. I followed of course, she didn't just go the library though, she went to the "Restricted" section. "What in Eqestria is she doing..." was my instant thought. She was there for a few hours, I decided to go check in her to see is she was alright but as I reached the door, it swung open knocking me onto my back. "Why are you following me? Gale I just went to the Library!" Blaze said. "Well I um... I wanted to make sure you were ok?" I didn't really know what to say. "Uh huh.... anyways, we need to get Willow, this is something we all need to talk about..." I could tell Blaze was worried. "Is everything ok Blaze?" "No.... it's not ok at all" she walked off, motioning me to follow.

As we got inside our home, Willow quickly put the book that she was looking at back on the shelf and headed towards the outside. "Willow, this is something we all need to discuss." Willow stopped and looked at us confused. "That's the first time you've said a full sentence to me in the past few days..." Willow came to the table Blaze and I were at. "Ok, so you said the necklaces were turning grey, yes?" I nodded. "Well..... those necklaces aren't just necklaces to say "were the Elements of Earth", they are in fact magical. If we can focus hard enough, even though you two don't have unicorn magic or any magic of any kind, except for flying and being able to connect with the earth better, we can still set off a message. And that message can be sent to any element, and be read in their mind. The only issue with this is that we have to be wearing the necklace..." Blaze closed her eyes for a full five minutes. Then reopened them and continued. "The reason why they are turning grey is because we are in fact, falling apart and Turing into chous. We need to reunite and bring them back to their full purity. This dose mean we have to get Silver Mist out of Askaban." Blaze was nodding her head as she told us, my first thought was lack of sleep, but then it seemed like she was agreeing with herself.

"When do we get her out of Askaban" I asked. "Tomarrow...... I don't want to wait too long, they could die out." Blaze said. "For now, we'll go to bed... get her in the morning" Blaze walked back into the upstairs. I looked at Willow and went upstairs aswell, Willow followed. And we slept.

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