The Dream of Terrors

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Silver Star's POV~

    "It's cold and dark.... I still have no idea how Malvada got out but I need to find out how_________________________

Weird...... I just laid my head on the wall because I was bored and a brick.... MOVED"

Silver Mist's POV~

As I walked off to who knows where to get my off time I was stopped by what sounded like somepony following me. "Who's there?" I said, trying to sound fierce and Brave, not moving. But I was scared. "Blaze, don't waste your time! I said I'm not helping with this mission anymore!" "Oh I'm afraid I'm not Blaze my dear." A cold voice hissed behinde me. "Then who are you?" "Oh, I'm pretty sure you can take a good gusse of who I am." There was a long pause while I was thinking of who they could be, until she teleported right in front of me. "I'm the one who gives you all those breakdowns! And I'm also the one who will erase your memory and force you against your friends!" Then it hit me. "No.... please....." my voice cracking with both simple words. As she took off her hood to reveal her face, I could see one of her eyes crimson, while the other was a light blue, like mine. Her hair had the same colors like my hair. She was blue. Like me. "It's been too long my dear, let's face it, you were going to fall sooner of later." Malvada said as she smiled with two gleaming crimson eyes practically staring into my soul. Her horn glowing with her green magic. She had erased my memories as a filly, and she will not hesitate to do so again.

Blaze's POV~

   On the train, back to Canterlot, we were talking about the CloudsDale and what happened between me and Silver Mist. It really funny because when I jumped, wings appeared on my back. But now they're gone. It makes no logical sense whatsoever. "Hey Gale, what happend with your side?" Willow asked walking up and down the isle of the train cart. "Um.... I went to go save..... friends..... and family..... but they're gone..." Gale responded looking at the ground. "I'd rather we nit talk about it." "NEXT STOP, CANTERLOT!" The conductor yelled. "That's us, we should get going to the door and wait." I said as we all headed to the door. It was only one minute before the train had come to a stop at the station. We all got off and went to our house we all shared together. I threw my necklace onto my bed, since we aren't all together anymore why bother having it on at all? "Blaze, are you ok?" Willow asked. "No" I replied bluntly. "Do you need anything?" She asked again. "No, I'm good..." I said as I went into the gardens to get my mind off things. Willow followed me out there and started meditating. I layed under a tree and just listened to her. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........" her humming was quite peaceful, as I dozed to sleep I had a flash back, where I saved Silver Star from the fire in our town. "Go! Silver, just GO!" Were the last words I could hear before I woke up. When I woke, it was a cloudy night and the smell of rain was in the air. I went inside before it started to rain. But when I went in, nopony was there, I had figured Gale and Willow had gone to bed, but when I checked they weren't in their bedrooms.

"What the....." I was cut off by a voice, a voice that I did not expect to hear. "Hello Blaze, what are you doing up so late?" She asked. "We had figured you'd gone to bed." Another chimed in. "Silver Mist? What are you-" "We just got here, don't expect us to answer any questions right Mal?" She said. "Indeed, and we  certainly need another pony in out small band to over through Celestia and Luna, along with Cadence and Twilight. What do you say Blaze? Will you take my offer?" The pony of whom I gusse is Malvada asked. I looked around hoping to see one of the two. But as I turned around, they were standing side by side, almost identical, except for the eyes, and Malvada's hair was lighter than Silver Mist's hair. "What the- no! Why would I want to take over Eqestria?! That only puts fear into ponies eyes!" I yelled. "It's not like you have a choice..." Malvada stepped closer. "Besides, we already have Gale and Willow tied up in a closet or something, so you either take this offer, or die!" Silver Mist said as she teleported on the opposite side that Malvada was on. "What do you say? Are you game?" They both said in unison as they both blasted me with their burning magic.

  "AHH!" I woke up in shock. Both Willow and Gale were in my bedroom with me. "You had a fever, Blaze, are you ok?" Gale asked me. "I-I don't know anymore!" I started to cry. "I don't know what to do, who is the fith element, where can we find them, why did Silver Mist leave us, who in the hoof is Malvada, why did I have that dream!? NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE!" Willow put her hoof around my shoulder. "It's ok" she said. "We're going to get through this together, all of us, we're going to find Silver Mist, and bring her back, don't worry." "Besides, we all need our rest. It's about time we just not do anything despite things only happening two days ago...." Gale responded. "You guys are good friends" I said as I wiped my tears away and smiled. But just then we received an urgent letter from the princess.

        "Dear Elements,

      I am aware of your decision on stopping your journey for the capturing of The Magic Thief, and I am 100% ok with that. But I'm afraid you still need to find your 5th element. This is just informing you that you have 2 days to rest.

                            Princess Celestia"

That's what was on the letter. "We have 2 days time until we get back on our journey l" I said. "We need to figure out who the flying feather this other element is and where we can find them."

Authers note~ WOOOOOoooooooo................................. ok TBH 100% honest when I started writting this chapter I may or may not have been on a Pepsi high so that's why it was....... dark..... ish..... yeah. ANYWAYS! Here is the chapter-ly  (I can't spell) question! 😁

   Who do you think Malvada is? What type of tie do you think she has with Silver Mist?

  Thanks for reading, see ya!

Elements: The Lost ElementDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora