The Last Words of Silver Star; Dearest

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(4 days later)

Silver Mist's POV~

"Dear Diary,

It's been 94 hours (or rather 4 days) since Silver Star was taken to the Canterlot hospital. Blaze has not left the bench outside Star's door. We've tried to get her to sleep or eat, something other than pacing around the door and staring. Doctors come in and out every minute of every hour of every day, they aren't letting Anypony go in. Oh hey, Blaze is finally sleeping! And... drooling.... ew

Anyways, it's been about a hour now, Willow went to get some food and Gale is reading some magazines, and Blaze is up now, pacing around again. She just looked at me because I'm whispering while I write. Haha-

Crap......she took my pen •_• GOOD THING I HAVE EXTRAS! ;p"

"Blaze, give me my pen back?" "You have extras!" Blaze said as she snapped my pen and threw it in the trash. "But that was my favorite one......" I said in a whiney voice. "Whatever" Blaze said as she sat down next to the door and leaned her head against the wall. Probably going to sleep again.

The Doctors are now frantically coming in and out of the room. Blaze asks what's wrong but the nurses keep saying "It's classified" and rush away. Somethings wrong, and we all know it. But after a few minutes they seem to resolve the problem. Blaze asks the doctor when she can see Silver Star again.

"I'm not so sure you can see her this second but you can see her when she's done eating dinner." He said.

"Ok, thank you sir" Blaze then walked to the bench and sat down. I sigh as I wonder when she'll be done. "Hey, Blaze" Willow says. Blaze looks over "Hmm?" "Want a fruit stick?" Willow asks holding one in her muzzle. "Mmmm.... no thanks I'm good." Blaze rests her head back on her hooves again.

The doctor calls me over, not Blaze, me. He says "Ok, so something will happen, I only want one other pony to be in that room when it does, preferably you. Ok?" "What do you mean?" I ask him but he just says "That is classified" and walks away.

So I go back over and tell them that the doctor only wants one pony in there along with Blaze. "He said preferably me" and Willow just looked a bit annoyed. "Fine with me I guess" Gale kept looking at her magazine. And so another hour passed and we could finally go in.

"Silver!" Blaze yelled as she hugged her sister. I could see that Silver Star had tubes up her nostrils, blood on her sheets, she was wearing a gown (of course) and you could clearly see her wound in her chest. There was an IV cord in her right front hoof, basicly your normal patient look. I looked over to her heart monitor and something didn't quite look right. Though I just ignored it. "Hey" Silver Star said slowly and very softly. I guess she couldn't speak well because 1. She did have tubes up her nose and 2. The wound must have hurt really badly. The heart monitor started to beep, faster and faster. Blaze looked over to it, and she looked at me. "GET THE DOCTORS!" She yelled. I ran out to get the doctors as I heard her monitor go into a high pitch and staying there. When we (the doctors and I) got back to the room, both Silver Star and Blaze had dissapeared. "What.....?" I didn't even know what happened, they're just gone.

Blaze's POV~

When Silver Mist left the room and the monitor went into a high pitch and stayed there I knew Silver Star's heart had stopped. But I felt a hoof on my shoulder, I turned and looked at my sister with a serious look on her face. "Let's go, out the window, now!" She used her magic to get the tubes out of her nose, and when she did it drew blood, but she opened the window and jestered for me to go out. "Hurry up or I'll leave you here!" I then heard the hooves of other ponies approach the door, and so I jumped out the window without even thinking on the fact that we were on the ninth floor and I had just jumped from the ninth floor window. I was prepared to die, but I had forgotten my wings, the Phoenix wings I've decided to call them as they only appear when I "fly". I landed safely and so did Star, she used her magic to surround her in an aoura and land safely too. She started running in a direction which I soon followed.

We had been running for hours when we stopped at a ghost town. Some houses were still standing, others burnt to the ground. Never the less though, there was a visible road that lead to the market in the middle of the town. Along the road were flowers, most dead, as if left in a bunch for respect for the dead loved ones who had died there. But there were other flowers growing inside the houses and ivy climbing up the walls. "Welcome home Blaze" Silver Star said as she looked at me. I then realized where we were. A single tear escaped my eye. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked. "Because, I wanted to show you what I created in the time where I was a student in Canterlot, while on breaks I came here to make it beautiful again." Silver said as she walked over to a stone, one with my name on it. "Guess I was wrong to assume you were dead" she said as a small laugh left her mouth. I walked over to the stone, and next to it was a teddy bear, one of which I believe was Star's at a point. But now it's at this grave she made for me, thinking I was dead. She had given it to my soul, I haven't seen this place in years, not since I left for the Crystal Mountains, since the day I forgot all about my sister waiting in Canterlot, wanting me to come back and know that I didn't die, but I left her alone to suffer through the years. "I know it wasn't your fault...." I felt a hoof go around my neck. "But when you all were speaking to each other through your minds.... I could hear you too, and I don't know why" Silver Star then looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I just wanted to see you again, and when you came to Canterlot the day of that fire, and I saw you, I knew you were just in town, not trying to find me!" I wasn't very good with crying ponies, so I didn't know what to do, so I just watched her. "I'm sorry...." I said. And Silver Star just embraced me. We both started crying, I had felt like an awful pony, forgetting I had a sister waiting to be saved, and instead of finding her, pursuing my own personal interests. I have now realized, that I had left my sister for dead.

Silver Mist's POV~

        "It is done, they'll be back in 12 hours." Said The head Doctor. "What do you mean? Did you do something to them?!" I was yelling at them, Gale and Willow both came into the room to see what was wrong. They took one look at the room without Blaze or Silver Star, and knew what was at hoof. "You're telling me, Silver Star, planned for that monitor to go off so she could escape with Blaze, to visit their old town? That is the stupidist thing, I have ever heard of! They couldn't wait until after Star got out of the hospital?" It was actually hard to take in to be 100% honest "But Silver Star has that huge wound in her chest? The stitching could come undone and she could bleed out!" Willow was speaking frantically. "That won't be an issue. The stiches are sealed with unicorn magic so they can't come undone unless you use a certain spell. Even if they did come off, Blaze knows how to heal ponies." The Doctor froze for a second "Minorly" and with that he and his team trotted back to what they were doing. "So they'll be back? In 12 hours?" Gale wasn't exactly sure of what she was listening to. "Yes, that is correct." I said "Then we just wait." Willow looked out the window beyond the beginning sunset. In fact, we all stared at that sunset. And prayed they would make in back safely.

"For my beloved sister...."

     "Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy.  Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion.  Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come.  Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise"


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