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Gale's POV~

    3 days had passed and we were heading on back into our journey. Comming back from the donut shop when all of a sudden out of nowhere an tower in Canterlot Castle blew up. Comming crashing down when Blaze cast a force field spell. "What the heck just happened?!" I said. "Someone must have broken into Canterlot Castle and blew up one of the towers attempting to harm one of the princesses!" "Blaze, are you ok?" Willow asked "No! I'm not ok! Get the ponies who live under this tower away! I can't hold this for much longer" Blaze yelled. "Come on, let's go!" I said as Willow and I both went to go evacuate the ponies under the tower. We got the all out within 7 minutes but Blaze wasn't doing so well. "Ok Blaze, you can let her down now!" I yelled as Blaze stopped the spell, allowing the tower to crash into the ground. "We should go and see if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are alright!" "No, you guys go without me, I'll catch up" Blaze said.

Once inside the Castle, we both went to the area of the south tower. Princess Luna was ordering some of her bat pony guards to search the Castle for something. "Princess, what's going on?" "Element Gale, I could ask you the same thing, why did you send Silver Mist to blow up the south tower?!" Luna said with anger in her voice. "What? we didn't-" I was cut off by a loud and booming voice. "Ah Luna! You know this little filly?" "Yes I do! She and her friends were the ones assigned to destroy you!" Luna shot a spell that the mare dodged. "Oh? Is that so? Well then I gusse that won't happen because you see...... there friend Silver Mist is all in with me on this whole "Take over Eqestria" thing." She said as she smiled. "Plus I'm sure I have a deeper and more meaningful bond with her than her friends do right Silver?" "Yes Malvada, I don't need friends when I have family" Silver Mist said as she appeared right in front of me. "That's enough Silver Mist!" A spell shot right at Silver Mist, and hit her. "Blaze, oh thank Celestia!" Willow said. "Gale! Pin her down would you?" Blaze asked. "I have some unattended business I need to attend to.." and with that she got into duel stance. I did as she asked and pinned Silver Mist down. "Get off of me!" Silver said as she pushed me down so she herself could get up. But Willow had made vines come out of the ground and wrap around her hooves.

Spells shot all around us as Malvada and Blaze dueled. Luna had a shield protecting us. That is until it was a two one one duel.... wich ment that we had to hide behinde a pillar. "What purpose do we serve?" Willow asked. "It just seems like we're just here for plot purposes." "What?" I asked. "What?" She repeated. Then her eyes went small as she clenched her teeth. "Right um.... maybe.... we just stand here...." I said as we just watched.

And watched.

And watched

And watched...........

"OK HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN!" Willow demanded. "About three minutes why?" "IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER! I WANNA DO SOMETHING!" She yelled. Suddenly Blaze collapsed. "That's it I'm doing something" Willow knocked over a pillar that was near Malvada. Malvada went wide eyed before she teleported out of the room to who knows where. "Wow that was sooooo cliché......." "Willow, will you please stop talking out loud?!" I said. Willow paused for a second. "NOPE!" She smiled and went to help Blaze.

But not only two minutes later we heard another "boom" sound. I looked out side. "Um guys.... how deadly are those people in Askaban?" I asked. "Why? What happen- did the..." Luna asked with fear. "Yeah...." "Let's go kick some bad guy butt!" Willow shouted wich caused everypony to look at her in confusion. She face hoofed herself. "I mean, Let's go put the bad guys in jail..." she said with less enthusiasm. "I've got this" Luna teleported us all outside. But what we found was quite shocking.....

There was a bunch of smoke and it seemed like one cell in particular was ment to be blown up but the others around it had also been hit. "Say goodbye to your peaceful Eqestria!" Malvada yelled as she dissapeared. "Seriously! What is it with villains and disappearing?!" Willow said. We all looked at her. "What?"

"Hold on, where is Silver Mist?" Luna asked looking around for her. "She's in the South Tower" I told her. "Ok so what do we do with her? We know she isn't sane, she's being controlled or something and I really don't want to complete this mission without her...." Blaze had apparently teleported, trotted, ran, somehow got out of the Castle in three minutes and was walking up to us as she heard our conversation. "I honestly don't know what to do....... ask her questions and hope she answers?" I said just pulling rubbish out of my head. "May not be the best thing but at least we can tell what the hay is wrong with her" Willow said. "Everything is wrong with her" "Why in the world would you say that Blaze?" "Oh ho.......  you have no idea!" "Blaze, please, shut up" "Excuse me but who's the boss around here?!" Blaze yelled "Besides Gale, nopony is the boss of Anypony around us" "I'll be at the house, in my room, sitting quietly pretending I don't exist" I flew away before Blaze could say anything else.

"We're all falling apart...." I thought as I landed at the front door.

Authers note~ Hi! Um..... these are really boring chapters..... I'm sorry lol time for chapter-ly question!

"Who and what, do you think is the fith element?"

Tis all for now! Bye!

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