act3--scene 2

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Ngwo community-- the chief's palace.
( we drove in front of the palace, it was a black painted, dark tinted glasses Range-rover jeep with an unfamiliar face driving. The car was not daddy's because no one ever uses his cars and throughout the trip we were quite. Mama prostrated first before the cheif who was her elder brother from a different mother then the both of us)
Mama: bless them your highness, these are my daughters.
Chief: oh great. Bless you children.
Fadeela: thank you sir. Do you have any idea who the man that brought us here is?( I murmured as we walk inside)
Falilah: whatever , it doesn't even look like her home.
Fadeela: nobody is willing to welcome her. What is she here to do?
Falilah: or what are we here to do?
(We entered one room where lays a very old woman and she kept her bag and knelt before her)
Mama: kedu ma.
Fadeela: goodday ma.
Mama's mum: ke--du. , so you are still alive. You remember you have a mother today.
Mama: I only got a permission to come here today.
Mama's mum: its OK if that's good by you. Are these your children.
Mama: yes mama, bless them.
Mama' s mum: hmm. When are you going back ?
Mama: now ma.(she brought out a lean bundle of 500 naira notes and gave her mum. My eyes met falilah's)
Falilah: where did she got this money? (i murmured)
Fadeela: shh!
Mama: we will be on our way ma.
(The old woman shrugged her head pitifully and we went away. We trakked down to another house where a dark fat typical Igbo woman came out dancing and singing in vanacular.)

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