act7 scene 6

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Zarah arrived while nab was still in the office, I picked his other car and went to pick her from the bus station.
Zarah: so what is left now?
Fadeela: I left everything concerning preparation for you.
Zarah: and I'm here. So what now?
Fadeela: I don't know( I replied her honestly)
Zarah: OK. The wedding is in two weeks right?
Fadeela: yes.
Zarah: are you willing to furnish the house like a typical Hausa bride?
Fadeela: yes. We will do everything. We just want to have a grand wedding.
Zarah: ( Zarah covered her mouth with her tiny hand and laughed softly) its funny how I'm just turning to an event planner now.
Fadeela:( I eyed her jokingly and patted her laps as we both laugh) Zarah! You are still the same. Too comic.
Zarah: OK, now let's get to serious business, we have alot work to do. Hausa wedding is the second most material and manpower consuming  in the world I think.
Fadeela: which one is the first?
Zarah: Hindu. Ok, now we will start with funitures, then kitchen utensils, other gadgets like kayan kamshi, gara, etc. For your own side.
Fadeela: what is gara?
Zarah: it is a kind of gift from the bride's family consisting mainly foodstuffs and other types of food in large quantity. Ranging from the lowest to the highest you can afford.  a rich man's daughter in our neighborhood brought a truck  full.
Fadeela: well I don't have parents so I don't think we need that unless it is shown in the wedding process.
Zarah: in some instances.
Fadeela: OK, then. What next?
Zarah: who is making the lefe?
Fadeela: nobody. We will do everything together.
Zarah: no I think that should be brought from his family , or does he also have problem with them or maybe you?
Fadeela: no. In fact when I visited them they showed me love.
Zarah: including the mother?
Fadeela: yes.
Zarah: lucky you. Uwar miji bala'i ce. She murdered my marriage, I just pray yours is really good, they can be fake and mischievous.
Fadeela: I pray so. So what next.
Zarah: then your wedding attires and events preparations and I don't think we can plan events perfectly especially within this short time.
Fadeela: what do we do then?
Zarah: we employ the services of a professional event planner and pay her for that part of the work.
Fadeela: fine.
Zarah: OK now let's move to another stage. We do our breakdown now, item by item before captain is back.
Fadeela: OK. We will give Angela the gara part.
Zarah: yes.
(I and Zarah began to make the list while Angela sat beside making the foodstuffs breakdown before Nab came back. We all went for dinner in a chiness restaurant together with Angela that night. It was warm, especially having Zarah by my side at that precious stage filling though not altogether the wound falilah left me)

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