act 3 scene1

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The morning started with an early morning call from my love Nab.
Fadeela: hello.
Nabil: good morning my princess.
Fadeela: morning.
Nabil: and how is my pretty little darling this morning.
Fadeela: I'm fine, you just woke me.
Nabil: oh I'm so sorry my queen, pardon me. I really don't mean to interrupt the cool morning rest. You may go back now.
Fadeela: no its OK, I'm awake now, after all you are my life.
Nabil: really? Glad to know that but you are my breath.
Fadeela: how sweet. So what's up?
Nabil: just want to feel how you slept.
Fadeela: just like everyday.
Nabil: come on darling , I don't want you feel bad baby, and you promised me you will be fine.
Fadeela: I really have some problem bothering me.
Nabil: I'm all ears.
(I got up and checked all around to make sure nobody was around)
Fadeela: emm...I... I really can't talk about this now and here.
Nabil: then how do we do it ?
Fadeela: I need to see you .
Nabil: but how can you go out of your house?
Fadeela: I don't know. I will talk to falilah.
Nabil: what can she do?
Fadeela: she might have a way out. I'll get back to you soon OK?
Nabil: OK, I love you.
Fadeela: I love you much. (I quickly disconnected the call and tap falilah to wake)
Falilah: what? Why are you waking me now? (She looked at the clock and hissed) its barely 6:00am now.
Fadeela: yes, Nab just called me! What is the way out? We need to be fast.
Falilah:( kept quite for a second then got up) I will go see papa. He will get us out.
(The door open and mama came in)
Fadeela: good morning ma.
Falilah: good morning.
Mama: morning, how are you girls doing?
Fadeela: we are fine ma.(I looked at falilah inquiring whether to ask for us to go out but she winked negatively)
Mama: is there any problem?
Fadeela: no. Nothing really.
Mama: OK, I just want to tell you to get ready, your father left yesternight so I decided to travel to my village with you two this time around to see your maternal relative since you've never been there.
Fadeela: but mum...
Falilah: we will get ready now.
Mama: OK do it fast before dawn breaks.
Falila: yes.
(She turned and left.)
Fadeela: did you just heared that? (Falilah winked affirmatively) come on! But what can we do? We can't follow. We have our own plans for Godsake!( falilah was still indifferent and even went further to the bathroom) what are you doing? Say something! She just came to destroy our plans.
Falilah: yeah she did but we have no option so its better if you just get set soon.( she submitted and moved into the bathroom, I jumped up and began to wander all round the room thinking of way out then suddenly decided to go to papa. I went there and opened the door without hesitating)
Fadeela: papa please I really need your help now! Papa. Where are you? (I moved in fully and began to check all over, I knocked toilet door then pushed it but no one around)
Oh shit!
(I ran out of the room back to ours)
He's not home! What now?(falilah said nothing but shrugged her shoulder and opened our only and old box stucked with old garments and picked one. mama appeared in a new expensive and heavily ornamented lace material)
Mama: are you girls ready?
Fadeela: ehm...yes, we will be right out.
Mama: OK 5minutes.
( I followed mama and locked the door, looked at falilah with hatred, sighted heavily then ran to the box, picked a set of cloth and quickly wore)

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