act7 scene9

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I and Zarah sat in the parlor playing whots and chatting when a woman knocked and brought some bags of fragiles.
Zarah: oh, you are here? Welcome. Come over here and fix it.(she ordered the woman and she came inside the parlor, locate a corner and fixed it up) you see that?
Fadeela: oh my God, its awesome! In fact its amazing. I love it! What is it?
Zarah: that is your kayan kamshi . they are perfumes, special brands of humras for your body the first row and the rest you burn them in your house, their scent is more than that of any fresher or perfume. And the humra are killer perfumes.
Fadeela: killer perfumes?
Zarah: no man can just resist their scent, you apply them on your body to always keep your man.
Fadeela: but is that necessary? He loves me, we love each other, these things are more fit for decoration. They are fine this way, OK?
Zarah: I'm here to guide you, you know nothing about anything culture. And at least I was married before so I'm more experienced that's why I think I can guide you.
Fadeela: yes you were married before that is why I wonder how you know all these tricks and still suffering a failed marriage and wonder if they really work, why are you here?
Zarah: to help you plan your wedding, but don't worry, that won't happen again.( Zarah angrily went inside the room and got her luggage out. Then stopped and spoke) and that, the decoration. Is my gift for you. Good luck with your wedding, anyway I have arranged everything for you and your alkebba ,if you are still interested I will send it for you then you send the money. ( I opened my mouth to stop Zarah but she stopped me then went away. I went back to the room confused and finally sat on the bed crying before nab came back)
Nabil: (sat close to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I raised my reddened eyes looking at him) what is wrong?(I shock my head and kept on crying) come on . tell me. What? Where is Zarah?
Fadeela: she's gone.
Nabil: to where?
Fadeela: K.D . it was all my fault. I scorned her but I didn't ment to,she just got me wrong and got mad at me.
Nabil: its OK. I will go and get her now( he patted me then got on his feet)
Fadeela: no, let's go to the hospital. I'm feeling sick.
Nabil: sick? Oh my God, let's go.( nab carried me like a baby to the car and drove fast to the clinic. I was admitted. Nab stood by my bed) the doctor said you need bed rest. Don't worry I will be here, I have sent UMAR,my friend to go and get Zarah back.
Fadeela: no...
Nabil: shh! I spoke with her, its OK. ( he smiled and caress my hand with one hand and robbing my pointed belly gently)

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