act 7 scene11

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                Three days later.
Nab entered the room and held my waist gently to his 230 one door sports Benz and drove to a strange location. A soldier man opened the gate for us to drive in. Nab opened my door and got me out. I looked round the house, a new spacious and beautifully designed duplex and also saw his white benz parked.
Fadeela: where are we? Whose house is this?
Nabil: shh( he held my hand inside the hallway which leads to the parlor. My new furtinures were neatly transfered there, I saw Zarah and Angela . I looked up the walls and saw a picture of I and Nabil together and another small which everyone would mistake for mine but I clearly recognized my other half. Falilah.
Fadeela: oh my God! What is this?
Zarah: your home.
Nabil: our home.
Fadeela: how comes?
Nabil: well, its been here laying fallow for its queen, the rightful wife for the house, baba conveyed its title some years back for her.(he said crossing his hands around my waist while I stood inside his elegant built figure facing same direction. I turned and hugged him then moved to hug Zarah too)
Fadeela: you did all this?
Zarah: what are friends for? After all this is our home.
Fadeela: ( I nodded affirmatively and smiled, then took Nabil to a tour round the house before sitting in my room)
Fadeela: thanks.
Nabil: for what?
Fadeela: everything, precisely the picture.
Nabil:( nab smiled and gave me a tight side hug) what has ever been your wish?
Fadeela: to have you, to be by your side forever and to build a beautiful home for you, be the best wife and the best mother.
Nabil: I know that. What else?
Fadeela: to spend a whole day dawn to dusk looking at some big water.
Nabil: and you never tell me that even as we  live just some minutes drive to the beach?
Fadeela: you gave me everything. Why should I ask for something which I have more than it?
Nabil: fine. Tomorrow we are sneaking out before the dawn breaks night to spend a day in the beach and after the wedding we are going for honeymoon to the countries with biggest waters in the world. We will sail a ship in Atlantic ocean, river Nile, indian, pacific, all of them and we are not coming back until you give birth.( I looked at him with tearful eyes filled with joy and hugged him then we went out and continue to inspect the house again)

Era of errors2- my delusive loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang