act7 scene5

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             After our trip to Kaduna.
    Nab crossed his hand on my shoulder as we stroll down the street to the basketball court in our b-ball wears.
Fadeela: zarah will be coming tomorrow for the wedding preparations.
Nabil: I have less work tomorrow, so I know I will be back before she comes in. It seems he has problem with his car.
Fadeela: seems so.
Nabil: come on let's go.
Fadeela: what are we going there to do? To push it for him?
Nabil: no to start it for him. I love engine works.( we walked down there and he offered the man to start it for him then began to work in the engine as I watch until he starts it) you see? I told you, its my job.
Fadeela:( I raised my for a hi-fi
Nabil: you know darling, I have a gigantic plan for our wedding. Its just going to be the best!
Fadeela: I would love that. But I'm scared if we do that mama would tress me more speedily.
Nabil: look dear, I want you to trust me, I would not make any decision that will be bad for us. You're scared your dad can locate you because he's powerful? So as my own dad and he will not let anyone spoil his son' s wedding.
Fadeela: OK( I said softly and smuggled my head under his arm as we walk down the court and played our b-ball)

Era of errors2- my delusive loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon