Chapter 8

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*Tony's POV*

I feel a big grin spread across my face. "Excellent."

As an afterthought, I radio that Parker kid to stop moping around and get up here. Mr. Future Boy just kind of stands there awkwardly, fiddling with the webshooters on his suit.

"Hey, kid," I say, smirking. "This city's crime rate isn't getting any lower. This is just a suggestion, but you may want to consider going out. And no, I don't mean like that."

He sighs, looking down, and I may or may not have seen a tear. Oh, great. The kid's a crier.

"What is it?"

I was about to ask if he could leave so I could get to work, but someone had interrupted. I looked up.

*Peter's POV*

"If it isn't the Amazing Nacho-Man," Tony jibes.

I choose to ignore hin, and walk over to Ethan, who won't look at anything but the floor.

"It's j-just... What if I n-never get home?"

Oh. It's that. I mean, of course it's that, but...

I put a hand on his shoulder and say, "Listen, you may not be the best Spidey out there, but you should have faith in the one who is!" I pause and wink. "Just kidding. Anyways, Tony and I will have you ready and outta here in no time. Okay?"

He nods, embarrassed, and wipes a trickle of tears off his face. "Okay, sure."

I smile a little and punch him in the shoulder. "Now, get out there and make me proud!"

Ethan starts to leave, grinning like a maniac, and I add, "Also, please don't ruin my rep, okay?"

Future Boy smirks and sprints out of the room.

Oh, great.

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