Chapter 10

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*Peter's POV*

"So, Tony," I said. "Where am I going to find this... alloy?"

The millionaire shrugged and began toying with one of his many computers. "Not my problem, Spider-Kid."

I gritted my teeth and marched out of the room, preparing to do some heavy-duty research on vibranium-steel alloys. Fun.

*Ethan's POV*

So, about this trouble: How'd I find it, and what was it?

Well, here's how it all went down: Super-handsome spider-powered dude (Guess who?) swinging around the city, being all innocent yet heroic at the same time. He scans all of the dark alleyways but never finds anything.

(Don't worry, I'm getting to the best part!)

So, being human and all, this guy gets hungry and decides to grab a snack, right? He walks into the nearest convenience store and gets a bag of chips. Mr. Super-Awesome goes up to the cashier to pay, still in full suit mode, and the chick at the register begins freaking out. Like, bad.

(Awkward, I know.)

He tries to wave her off after about the fiftieth time she's asked for a selfie or an autograph, and kinda sorta webs her hand to the back wall.

(Heh. Whoops. Totally an accident, by the way.)

The dude throws a ten-dollar bill on the counter, tells her to keep the change (What a nice guy!), and leaves. He sits on the roof of the building, munching on his chips, and generally being content with the world.

Sorry I'm not updating as much, guys. More on Ethan's sticky situation next chapter, I promise!

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